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FRAP public notices

Public notices related to the fishing rights allocation process (FRAP)








28 July 2022

Integrated consultations for small-scale fishers and coastal communities

27 May 2022

Letter of consent or objections – Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA): publications for FRAP2021/2022 applications forms of all FRAP applicants. [PDF - 461.23 kb]

20 May 2022

Opening of decentralised centres for submission of appeals on the fishing rights allocation process (FRAP) online system in the: demersal shark longline, hake deepsea trawl, hake longline, KwaZulu-Natal crustacean prawn trawl, small pelagic (sardines and anchovy), south coast rock lobster, squid, traditional linefish and tuna pole-line in terms of section 80 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 Of 1998) [PDF - 120.82 kb]

16 May 2022

FRAP2021 scoring spreadsheets


Squid fishery

Small pelagic (anchovy)

Small pelagic (sardine)


South coast rock lobster (SCRL) fishery

Demersal shark fishery

Tuna pole-line fishery

KwaZulu-Natal crustacean trawl fishery

Hake deep-sea trawl fishery

Hake long-line fishery

04 April 2022

Submission of appeals on the Fishing Rights Allocation Process (FRAP) online system in the demersal shark longline, hake deepsea trawl, hake longline, KwaZulu-Natal crustacean prawn trawl, small pelagic (sardines and anchovy), south coast rock lobster, squid, traditional linefish and tuna poleline in terms of section 80 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998)

30 March 2022


11 March 2022

Exemption granted from the provisions of Section 13 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No.18 of 1998) (MLRF) to commercial fishing rights holders whose rights were granted on 28 February 2022 and other relevant persons specified more fully herein.

07 March 2022

Report on the FRAP2020/21 assessment stage

28 February 2022

General published reasons for the decisions on the allocation of fishing rights 2021/2022

24 February 2022

Use of motorised equipment for recreational angling: drones and remotely operated devices and/or vehicles

The purpose of this public notice is to alert recreational anglers and suppliers of fishing equipment that the department intends to rigorously enforce the regulations that govern recreational angling and ensure offenders are prosecuted and sentences accordingly. The department will also seize the various illegal devices used and upon any successful conviction will seek an order from the court to have these devices forfeited to the state.

02 February 2022

Hake Inshore Trawl Appeal Decisions and Provisional Horse Mackerel Appeal Decisions and Scoresheets (link to SharePoint drive)

25 January 2022

The minister, by way of a further public notice published on 11 January 2022, extended the opportunity for comment to all the applicants of all categories in the horse mackerel sector within 30 calendar days, as of 11 January 2022.

In order to enable applicants to formulate their comments and/or representations, the department has made viewing of appeal documentation electronically available, namely: the individual appeal decisions and appeal scoresheets, and the provisional appeals GPR. Download documents below:

Public notice on viewing of records in order to file representations to minister in the horse mackerel sector [PDF - 720.91 kb]

Addendum to the provisional general published reasons for the decisions on appeal in the horse mackerel fishery: 2015/16 [PDF - 598.68 kb]

11 January 2022

The minister has extended the opportunity for all applicants in the horse mackerel fishery, including category A, B and C applicants, to make written representations as to why she (the minister) should not adopt the proposed quantum allocation methodology (QAM). Representations are required to be submitted by no later than 30 calendar days from the date of this notice.

Errata: Please be notified that the reference to 21 days in this notice is a typographical error. The correct wording is "All representations must be submitted in writing to within 30 calendar days from the date of this notice." All representations submitted to, within the stipulated 30 calendar days period, will be accepted as having been timeously made.

Public notice to all applicants in the horse mackerel sector [PDF - 75.57 kb]







30 November 2020

To all holders of commercial fishing rights issued in terms of section 18(1) of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act no.18 of 1998): Amendment to notice published on 23 September 2020: submission of applications for the transfer of fishing rights (section 21 applications) [PDF - 177.92 kb]

23 November 2020

To all stakeholders: Timeframes prescribed for environmental impact assessment, section 24g and integrated environmental authorisations during the period including 15 December 2020 to 05 January 2021 [PDF - 478.15 kb]

05 October 2020

To all holders of commercial fishing rights and exemptions issued in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (act no. 18 of 1998): Interested or affected parties and fishing industry associations. [PDF - 37.2 kb]. Click here to join the meeting

23 September 2020

To all holders of commercial fishing rights issued in terms of section 18 (1) of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act no. 18 of 1998): Extension of the cut-off date for the submission of applications for the transfer of commercial fishing rights including notifications of change in shareholding and/or member's interests. [PDF - 589 kb]

18 August 2020

Exemption to all holders of licences, permit and authorisations issued in terms of Marine Living Resources Act No. 18 of 1998 to operate without valid permits until 30 September 2020. [PDF - 224.47 kb]

26 June 2020

Request for expression of interest for the appointment of service providers to provide support to the department related to the implementation of the 2020/21 fishing rights allocation process (FRAP2020/21) [PDF - 260 kb]

21 June 2020

To all holders of active KwaZulu-Natal beach seine fishing permits to sardines issued in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998) and the regulations promulgated thereunder [PDF - 224 kb]

05 June 2020

Appointment of service providers to provide related support to the department for the implementation of 2020/21 fishing rights allocation process ("FRAP2020/21") [PDF - 513 kb]

03 June 2020

To all holders of active recreational fishing permits to harvest west coast rock lobster issued in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998) and the regulations promulgated thereunder [PDF - 367 kb]







09 December 2019

Mandatory exclusions: Timeframes prescribed for environmental impact assessment, section 24g and waste management license applications during the period 15 December 2019 to 05 January 2020 [PDF - 141 kb]

25 September 2019

Update on moratorium for submission of section 21 (transfer of commercial fishing right) applications and notifications of changes in shareholding and/or members' interests during the 2020 fishing rights allocation process ("FRAP2020")

26 March 2019

Moratorium on submission of section 21 (transfer of commercial fishing right) applications and notifications of changes in shareholding and/or members' interests during the 2020 fishing rights allocation process ("FRAP2020")







20 December 2018

Finalisation of appeals and processing of catch permits in the horse mackerel fishing sector for the 2019 fishing season

31 May 2018

Update on fishing rights allocation process (frap2015/16): abalone fishing sector







24 October 2017

Final decisions of fishing rights allocation process 2015/16 (FRAP 2015/16) for the west coast rock lobster (offshore) fishing sector

01 March 2017

Update on the fishing rights allocation process (FRAP2015/16): west coast rock lobster (nearshore and offshore) and abalone fishing sectors

03 February 2017

Suitable vessels to be confirmed or nominated in the large pelagic longline fishery

31 January 2017

Final list of fishing rights allocation process 2015/16 for the large pelagic longline fishery

31 January 2017

Final list of fishing rights allocation process 2015/16 for the KwaZulu-Natal beach seine fishery

31 January 2017

Final list of fishing rights allocation process 2015/16 for the seaweed fishery

10 January 2017

Interim interdict granted by the Western Cape High Court: case no.: 24899/16







08 December 2016

Final list on the allocation of 2015/16 rights to operate fish processing establishments

19 December 2016

Prospective fish processing establishment operators

25 October 2016

Notice to all applicants for fishing rights in the seaweed sector: Identification of the seaweed rights area(s) and species/type of seaweed applied for

20 May 2016

Traditional linefish appeal's decision: FRAP 2013

10 February 2016

Confirmations of dates and venues for the extended FRAP 2015/16 receipting process

02 February 2016

Change of venue: Invitation to all abalone current exemption holders and interested parties to attend an Abalone Indaba in relation to FRAP 2015/16

29 January 2016

Availability of the South African Revenue Services (SARS) and the South African Police Services (SAPS) during the receipting of application forms for the fishing rights allocation process 2015/16 ("Frap 2015/16")







12 November 2015

2015/16 fishing rights allocation process ("FRAP 2015/16"): venues for distribution of application forms:







12 September 2013

Fishing rights allocation process (FRAP) receipting of applications

30 August 2013

2013 fishing rights allocations process (FRAP): SARS dates and venues

29 August 2013

2013 fishing rights allocations process (FRAP): submission of documentation

22 August 2013

Minister Tina Joemat-Patterson extends fishing rights application (FRAP) distribution process

12 August 2013

2013 fishing rights allocations process (FRAP): receipting dates and submission of applications

03 July 2013.

2013 fishing rights allocations process (FRAP) operation centre helpline

July 2013

Fishing rights allocation process (FRAP): invitation for application to undertake commercial fishing in varied sectors

20 May 2013

Update on the fishing rights allocation process (FRAP2015/16): west coast rock 2013 fishing rights allocation process (FRAP) consultations on sector specific policies and meeting schedule

02 May 2013

2013 fishing rights allocation process (FRAP) consultations on sector specific policies and meeting schedule




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