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Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Briefing session Additional documents Date Published
DFFE-RFQ007 (2024 - 2025) The appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver branded uniform items to be worn by environmental management inspectors at the department of forestry, fisheries and the environment

There will be a non-compulsory briefing session:
Date: 29 January 2025
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Platform: Join the meeting now

Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Briefing session Additional documents Date Published
DFFE-T030 (2024 - 2025) The appointment of service providers for the local processing of waste tyres across the country for a period of ten (10) years. dffet030.24.25_addendum_localprocessingofwastetyres_0.pdf (120.4 KB) , Minutes of non-compulsory information session interested bidders for DFFE T030 (24 - 25) (523.08 KB)
DFFE-T035 (2024/2025) Appointment of a suitable service providers to buy, clear-fell and transport the eucalyptus gum timber compartments from plantations in Limpopo Province for a period of twelve (12) months

Compulsory site briefing session information:

21, 22 and 23 January 2025. Refer to bid document for further details.

DFFE-T033 (2024/2025) Appointment of a suitable service provider/s to render employee health and wellness (EH&W) services to the DFFE for a period of thirty-six (36) months on “an as and when” required basis.

Non-compulsory briefing session:

Date: 23rd of January 2025 
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM 
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

DFFE-T034 (2024/2025) For the appointment of a service provider to facilitate business continuity management processes within the department for a period of thirty-six (36) months

There will be a compulsory briefing session: 

Date: 29 January 2025 
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 am
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

DFFE-T031 (2024/2025) The appointment of the professional service provider to provide a co-sourced internal audit service to the department (DFFE) for a period of three (03) years.

Compulsory briefing session will be held as follows: 

Date: 20 January 2025 
Time: 11am-13pm 
Platform: Ms Teams link | Join the meeting now

MLRF212/24 Appoint a service provider (sp) as an independent project management team (PMT) to effectively and efficiently report, and monitor the release, processing, drying, and selling of confiscated abalone on behalf of the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for a period of thirty-six months.

A virtual compulsory briefing session will be held on the 20th of January 2025 (Monday) at 10:00. 

Link can be requested from MLRFTENDERS@DFFE.GOV.ZA 
Platform MS Teams |
Meeting ID: 390 537 551 035 

DFFE-T032 (2024/2025) The appointment of project management service provider (s) to recruit and manage micro collectors and micro depot operators for the collection of waste tyres from the environment in Gauteng and Western Cape provinces for a period of three (3) years.

Non-compulsory briefing session details: 

Date: 20 January 2025 
Time: 10H00 – 11H00  
Platform: MS Teams | Join the meeting now

DFFE-SITA005 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to re-design re-develop and maintain (through bug fixing and enhancements) the departmental intranet for a period of twenty-four (24) months, under the SITA transversal contract 1183

Compulsory briefing session information:

Date: 10 December 2024
Time: 11:00 – 12:00 
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

NB: Please note that only bidders who accredited with SITA transversal contract – RFB 1183 will be considered

DFFE-SITA005: minutes of 10 December 2024 briefing session (733.56 KB)
DFFE-T029 (2024/2025) Appointment of the service provider to verify qualifications and confirm national qualification framework (NQF) levels for a period of three (03) years.
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Orgaization/Company Date Published
DFFE-T011 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to provide legal support to the DFFE and the minister on legal matters for a period of three (3) years on “an as when required basis Cullinan and Associates Incorporated . Amount: Applicable Rates
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Orgaization/Company Date Published
DFFE T004 (2024 - 2025) The appointment of suitable service provider/s to propagate, supply, and deliver seedlings in Kwazulu Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga provinces for the Department for a period of 24 months
DFFE – T047 (2023 - 2024) The appointment of a professional service provider to develop a business case that clearly demonstrates the value propositions and a business case for the establishment of a dedicated National Research Foundation (NRF) Chair for Timber Research for a period of six (06) months Learning Strategies (Pty) Ltd. Amount: R999 810,00 VAT Inclusive
DFFE – SITA001 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to design, develop, and implement a web-based directory of SMMES operating within the waste circular economy, including support and maintenance for 12 months Kayla Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd. Amount: Rates
DFFE T033 (2023 - 2024) Appointment of a supplementary panel of laboratories on an “as and when” required basis for a period of three years 1) Environmental Pollution Laboratory (Pty) Ltd. Amount: Rates; 2) Aquatico Scientific (Pty) Ltd. Amount: Rates. 3) UIS analytical services (PTY) LTD Amount: Rates
DFFE–T001 (2024/2025) The appointment of a suitable service provider to conduct an external audit of expenditure for the Global Environment Facility (GEF-7) Pillar 1 And Pillar 2 Project for a period of three (03) years TDRU Incorporated Amount: R 2 397 750,50
DIV 24/25 D007 (2024 - 2025) Appointment of Amazon Web Services (AWS) to provide for the necessary storage and analytical cloud services required to update and maintain the national land cover dataset for a period of 60 months Amazon Web Services Amount: Rates
DFFE-T025 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to conduct skills audit for the department for a period of six (06) months. Babhuti Projects (Pty) Ltd Amount: R1 985 110,00
DFFE-T067 (2022/2023) To appoint multiple service providers on 5-year contracts to assist the DFFE with the implementation of alien plant clearing, bush encroachment, and associated projects in the Free-State, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces Click on description
DFFE-T024 (2023/2024) The appointment of service provider for the supply of fruit and indigenous ornamental trees for use in the two million trees per annum programme of the department, for a period of twenty-four (24) months. MNN Landscaping CC Amount: R14 220 990,00
DFFE-SITA013 (2022/2023) Appointment of a service provider for supply and installation of a storage area network solution for the department (DFFE) for the period of two (2) months via State Information Technology Agency (SITA) Transversal Contract 2003 Business Connexion (Pty) Ltd Amount: R2 355 569,04
DFFE-SITA003 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver Information Technology (IT) equipment from suppliers listed on the SITA RFB 740 transversal contract - in the Gauteng region for the department (DFFE). Mokopa Tso Trading T/A M K Trading CC Amount: R23 099 947,00
DFFE-T062 (2022/2023) Appointment of a panel of service providers for media buying and placement on an “as and when” required basis for a period of three (03) years on broadcast, print and digital platforms. Click on description
DFFE-T097 (2022/2023) Call For Proposals (CFP) from suitable investor(s) to lease, develop, operate, plan, and control forestry business operations in the Western Cape recommissioned plantations for a maximum period of fifty (50) years. Coldstream Timber Co (Pty) Ltd Amount: Click on description
DFFE-T046 (2023/2024) Appointment of a multidisciplinary service provider to develop feasibility study (IES) and business plan (s) including 3-dimensional visual architectural design of infrastructure for the establishment of biodiversity economy mega hubs within all 9 provinces, respectively, for a period of twelve (12) months. Sustento Development Services CC Amount: R4 428 420,00
DFFE-T062 (2022/2023) Appointment of a panel of service providers for media buying and placement on an “as and when required basis for a period of three (3) years on broadcast, print and digital platforms. Click on description
DFFE-T032 (2023/2024) Construction of a Material Recovery Facility (MRF), the refurbishment of two existing transfer stations and procurement of recycling equipment for the Emalahleni Local Municipality (Indwe and Dordrecht Towns). Erivision (PTY) LTD T/A M.C Corporation Amount: R 17 053 990, 97
DFFE-T089 (2022/2023) Appointment of the service provider to develop an inventory, phase-out plan, and a socioeconomic considerations of regulating 3 industrial persistent organic pollutants (pops) (i.e. perfluorohexane sulfonic acid, its salts, and perfluorohexanerelated compounds, dechlorane plus and UV-328) under the Stockholm Convention for the period of twelve (12) months Greenfield Sustainable Group (PTY) LTD. Amount: R 1,943,040.00
DFFE-T008 (23/24) The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver, and assemble furniture for offices, kitchen areas, waiting/reception areas, auditorium conference room, and boardrooms for the department in Bhisho Office: Forestry Management - Eastern Cape Province Lutak Consulting CC Amount: R 1 898 742,00
DFFE-RFQ006 (2022/2023) Appointment of the service provider to develop a comprehensive feasibility study to identify economic opportunities and optimal benefits that communities can derive from Loskop Dam Biodiversity Economy node located within Nkangala District in the Mpumalanga Province, subsequently develop two project-based comprehensive business plans to be tested to the market, over a period of seven (7) months. Green Development Foundation NPC Amount: R 454 825,00
DFFE-RFQ016 (2023/2024) The appointment of a professional service provider to provide an existing forestry software as a service to offer a comprehensive spatial land use and alpha numeric database system for the department commercial forestry plantations for a period of six (06) months. Microforest (Pty) Ltd Amount: R386 779,50
DFFE-RFQ022 (2022/2023) The appointment of a suitable independent service to develop a comprehensive skills competency framework for Environmental Management Inspectors (EMIS) for a period of twelve (12) months. Environmental Council CC Amount: R 968 616.00
MLRF203/23 (2023/2024) To appoint a panel of service providers to provide the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) with contract workers for a period of sixty (60) months for as and when required basis. Click on description
DFFE–T107 (2022/2023) For the appointment of a project manager to manage land restitution projects through the Kabelo Land Restitution and Development. Skhunyana Training Consultants CC Amount: R4 795 741,50
WBE111 (2022-2023) The leasing of facilities in selected areas for the replacement of seven (07) temporary storage and pre-processing sites of Waste Bureau for a period of eighteen (18) months. Jayiya Family Trust Amount: R5 177 070.00 (Vat inclusive)
DFFE – T027 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to develop the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area Intergrated Development Plan for a period of six (06) months. Alsson Network (Pty) Ltd Amount: R1 404 100.00
DFFE – WBE 112 (2022/2023) The outsourcing of leasing of seven (7) waste tyre storage and pre- processing facilities to replace these seven (7) sites whose contracts end FY22/23 for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Click on description
DFFE-WBE111 (2022/2023) The leasing of facilities in selected areas for the replacement of seven (07) temporary storage and pre-processing sites of waste tyres for the waste bureau for a period of eighteen (18) months. (Gauteng-Ekurhuleni) Baleng Redira Mogo Tyres (Pty) Ltd Amount: R3 914 370.00
DFFE-T020 (2023/2024) The appointment of independent experts to be included on the departmental database as potential members of the appeals panel for a period of three consecutive years, as and when required. 1) 1World Consultants (Pty) Ltd Amount: Rates. 2) Mondli Consulting (PTY) LTD. Amount: Rates
DFFE-SITA003 (2022/2023) The appointment of the service provider to undertake an information technology infrastructure and connectivity assessment for implementation of the Coordinated and Integrated Permit System (CIPS) for the Convention Of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) permits module in nine (9) provincial city management authorities. Enabling ICT Solutions Pty Ltd Amount: R 452 531,33 (VAT inclusive)
DFFE-SITA001 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider for the procurement, installation, support and maintenance of the end-to-end new datacentre solution for the dffe for a period of five (5) years. Datacentrix (Pty) Ltd Amount: R69 999 999,89 (Vat inclusive)
DFFE - T020 (2023/2024) The appointment of independent experts to be included on the departmental database as potential members of the appeals panel for a period of three consecutive years, as and when required. 1. Exigent Environmental CC. Amount: Rates
2. Environmental Impact Management Services. Amount: Rates
3. Coastal and Environmental Services (PTY) LTD. Amount: Rates
DFFE-T050 (2023/2024) Appointment of service provider to supply, deliver materials and implement separation at source pilot project in Bushbuckridge Local Municipality in support Operation Phakisa: Chemicals and Waste economy and the National Waste Management Strategy 2020 for the duration of 12 months. Mateteswa Consultants (PTY) LTD. Amount: R 3,797,898.00
DFFE – T095 (2022/2023) Appointment of a panel of service providers to support DFFE with executive coaching for individual senior managers, team coaching for branches/ chief directorates and 3D (top management –Director General and Deputy Director-Generals) as and when required for a period of thirty-six (36) months. Connect Us Group (Pty) Ltd Amount: Rates
DFFE-T095 (2023/2024) Appointment of a panel of service providers to support DFFE with executive coaching for individual senior managers, team coaching for branches/ Chief Directorates and 3D (top management –Director General and Deputy Director-Generals) as and when required for a period of thirty-six (36) months. Change Partners (Pty) Ltd Amount: Rates
DIV 23-24 D028 (2023/2024) Supply and delivery of newspapers to the department (DFFE) for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Tow Dee Amount: R 681 572. 00 (VAT inclusive)
DFFE-T029 (2021/2022) Appointment of service provider/s for the supply, delivery, and offloading of personal protective equipment or gear to be used by overwintering and relief personnel undertaking expeditions at Sanae (Antarctica), Gough, and Marion Island at least four (4) times a year, for a period of three (3) years. Click on description
DFFE-T021 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to assist the department (DFFE) with the development of The Leopard Conservation Strategy for the Management Of Leopards in South Africa, conduct a situational analysis that will inform the development of a draft biodiversity management plan for leopards for leopards for a period of twenty-four (24) months. Panthera Wild Cat Conservation SA NPC Amount: R1 964 688.22 (VAT inclusive)
DFFE-T068 (2022/2023) To appoint multiple service providers on 5-year contracts from the 2023/24 financial year to assist the department with the implementation of alien plant cleaning, bush environment and associated projects in the Western Cape and Northern Cape provinces for a period of five years. Green Development Foundation NPC
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Orgaization/Company Date Published
DFFE – WBE 112 (2022/2023) The outsourcing of leasing of seven (7) waste tyre storage and pre-processing facilities to replace these seven (07) sites whose contracts end FY 22/23 for a period of twenty-four (24) months (Limpopo – Polokwane) Phasha Property Investments (Pty) Ltd Amount: R 4 243 500,00 (VAT inclusive)
DFFE-RFQ002 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to conduct an evaluation and review of community participation in state-owned protected areas and to develop guidelines for community participation in state-owned protected areas in South Africa within a period of six (06) months. Nkwali Holdings T/A Ronew Consulting (Pty) Ltd. Amount: R476,583.00
DFFE – DIV 23-24-D016 (2023/2023) Request for approval to deviate from the normal procurement process and appoint Government Printing Works (GPW) as a sole supplier for the period of 24 months Government Printing Works Amount: Rates
DFFE – WBE 111 (2022/2023) The leasing of facilities in selected areas for the replacement of seven (07) temporary storage and pre-processing sites of Waste Bureau for a period of eighteen months – (Free-State Bloemfontein). Batlile Bareki 3 (Pty) Ltd. Amount: R 4 361 490.00 (Vat inclusive)
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Document note Date Published
DFFE-T027 (2024/2025) The appointment of provincial panels of service providers (depot operators) to manage waste tyre depots for the department (DFFE) on an “as and when” required basis for a period of 24 months.
DFFE-T028 (2024/2025) The leasing of thirty-seven (37) waste tyre depots within various municipalities for the temporary storage and pre-processing of waste tyres for the waste bureau for a period of seven (07) years
DFFE T027 (2024 - 2025) The appointment of provincial panels of service providers (depot operators) to manage waste tyre depots for the department of forestry, fisheries and the environment on an “as and when” required basis for a period of 24 months
DFFE-SITA004 (2024/2025) The appointment of the professional service provider to render managed ICT security services to the department for a period of five (05) years using SITA Transversal Contract RFB-1183
DFFE-T025 (2024/2025) The enlistment of a panel of service providers to provide an Ad Hoc Fraud Risk Management (forensic investigation, fraud prevention, and detection services on an “as and when” required basis to the department (DFFE) for a period of sixty months (60) based on annual performance reviews.
DFFE-T026 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to coordinate the implementation of the National Forest Pests and Diseases Programme as supported by the Integrated National Forest Protection Strategy and Research and Development Strategy for a period of five (05) years.
DFFE-T023 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider (s) for the supply and delivery of fruit and indigenous ornamental trees in the provinces of Northwest, Northern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern Cape and Western Cape for use in the Two Million Trees Per Annum Programme of the department for the period of twenty (24) months
DFFE-T024 (2024/2025) For the appointment of a hazardous materials (HAZMAT) specialist company (service provider) to provide a turnkey solution for the clean-up and rehabilitation of the Lichtenburg (Biesiesvlei) Waste Tyre Depot following a fire incident
MLRF210/24 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to design, develop and implement an online solution to capture catch return/statistics including data migration and integration for six (6) different fisheries sectors within 36 months using SITA transversal contract 1183
DFFE-T022 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and offload materials to support separation at source covering eight (08) metropolitan municipalities for a period of three (03) months.
MLRF211/24 (2024/2025) To appoint an independent service provider to conduct a baseline benthic survey and specialist monitoring on behalf of the DFFE/MLRF in compliance with the stipulations in the Operational Phase Marine Ecology Monitoring and the Environmental management Programme for the sea-based aquaculture development zone located within Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape for a period of 36 months
DFFE-T021 (2024/2025) To appoint a professional service provider to conduct capacity-building interventions for post-settlement support for a period of eight (08) months
DFFE-T019 (2024/2025) Establish a panel of supplier(s) per province within the inland region/cluster: Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State, Gauteng, Northern Cape, and Northwest for the supply and delivery of stationery for the department (DFFE) for a period of twenty-four (24) months
DFFE-T020 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to provide personnel security checks and screening services for a period of five (5) years on an “as and when required basis”
DFFE-T014 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider (sp) to undertake environmental impact assessment studies for afforestation in Kwazulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, for a period of twenty-four (24) months
RFQ006 The appointment of a suitable independent service provider to manage the environmental crimes and incidents hotline for the department (DFFE) for period of sixty (60) months
DFFE-T018 (2024/2025) The appointment of the service provider to conduct occupational health and safety training for a period of six (06) months T018 Minutes for briefing session.pdf (126.63 KB)
DFFE-SITA003 (2024/2025) Appointment of the professional service provider for the renewal of Mimecast email security services with support for a period of five years (5) using the SITA Transversal Contract – RFB 1183
MLRF 209/24 (2024/2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) as a inpedendent project management team (PMT) to effectively and efficiently report, and monitor the release, processing, and selling of confiscated abalone on behalf of the department/Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for a period of thirty-six months
MLRF 208/24 (2024/2025) To appoint a service provider for the processing of confiscated abalone on behalf of the department/marine living resources fund for a period of thirty-six months
DFFE-T017 (2024/2025) For the enlistment of a panel of five (5) events management companies to provide events management services, stakeholder engagement, and outreach campaigns environment for a period of 36 months
DFFE-RFQ005 (2024/2025) The appointment of a professional service provider to investigate the decline of timber plantations in South Africa for a period of six (6) months.
DFFE-CPT RFQ-040 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to undertake the outstanding tasks of the Ocean Economy Master Plan, including consolidation of the implementation plan for a period of six (06) months
MLRF 207/24 To appoint a service provider (sp) to assist the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to conduct a socio-economic study of the West Coast Rock Lobster, Abalone, Hake Handline, Oyster, and White Mussel Fisheries in South Africa
MLRF206/24 To appoint a service provider (sp) to facilitate the establishment of local co-management structures for small-scale fisheries sector in Eastern Cape for a period not exceeding 24 months.
DFFE-T016 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to compile an inventory of chemicals in products, identify hazards and associated risks, and develop a management action plan for South Africa on children’s products: shoes (0 to 12 years), pacifiers (dummies), feeding bottles, teething toys, bath toys, nappies, and baby cosmetics for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-RFQ004 (2024/2025) The appointment of a suitable independent service provider to conduct accredited NQF Level 5 Peace Officer training for Forest Officers and Fire Protection Officers over two (2) consecutive weeks annually in three (3) consecutive years.
DFFE-T011 (2024/2025) The appointment of the service provider to develop a green procurement strategy for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste in South Africa for a period of Twelve (12) months.
DFFE-T015 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to render technical and quality assurance services in respect of the department (DFFE) procurement processes for a period of 36 months. Compulsory Briefing Session Minutes- DFFE-T015 (24-25).pdf (210.57 KB)
DFFE-T012 (2023/2024) Appointment of a hazmat specialist company (service provider) to undertake the clean-up and rehabilitation of the Lichtenburg (Biesiesvlei) Waste Tyre Depot after the fire incident for a period of six (06) months.
DFFE- T013 (2024/2025) Appointment of service providers for the transportation of waste tyres across the country for a period of 12 (twelve) months
DFFE-T010 (2024/2025) The appointment of the professional service provider/s to develop municipal Integrated Waste Management Plans (IWMPS) for five (05) district municipalities and their local municipalities for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE-T014 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to develop a National Circular Economy Action Plan within Twenty-Four (24) months
DFFE-T008 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider with proven expertise to perform fair valuation of DFFE’s biological assets to ensure compliance with the requirements of the modified cash standards for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-T006 (2024/2025) Appointment of suitable service provider/s to conduct stock enumeration for biological assets for the DFFE for the period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-RFQ002 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to assist the department with the independent review and revision of the 2017 National Framework For Air Quality Management In South Africa for a period of twelve (12) months.
DFFE-T007 (2024/2025) Appointment of language agencies to render translation services to the DFFE on an “as and when required basis for a period of thirty-six (36) months
DFFE-T005 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider to compile the 2nd South Africa State of Waste Report on behalf of the department (DFFE) for a period of fourteen (14) months.
DFFE-T003 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider for the manning, management, and maintenance of the polar supply and research vessel S.A. Agulhas II and environmental research vessel Algoa for 60 months.
DFFE-T004 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider/s to propagate, supply and deliver seedlings in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga provinces for the department for a period of 24 months.
DFFE-RFQ001 (2024/2025) The appointment service provider to conduct the audit of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project, the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) project, including three (3) annual audit reports for a period of twelve (12) months.
DFFE-T001 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider to conduct an external audit of expenditure for the Global Environment Facility (GEF-7) pillar 1 and pillar 2 project for a period of three (03) years.
DFFE-T058 (2023/2024) The appointment of the professional service provider to provide veldfire statistics in South Africa, for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
DFFE–T051 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for the development, facilitation, and implementation of the change management strategy and culture alignment in the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE–T056 (2023/2024) The appointment of suitable service provider/s to develop the National Veldfire Risk Profile for a period of 12 months.
DFFE–T057 (2024/2025) The appointment of the service provider to supply and deliver occupational hygiene instruments within one (01) month.
DFFE–T055 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider to provide specialist technical, legal, financial, and economic advisory services and support to the Regulating Committee for Meteorological Services (RCMS) in regulating fees payable to the South African Weather Service (SAWS) for the provision of meteorological services to the aviation and maritime industries for a period of three (03) years
DFFE – T059 (2023/2024) Appointment of a maximum of (5) five panel of service providers to support the with the facilitation of the Department Learning Network (DLN) sessions on an “as and when” required basis by the department for a period of three (03) years.
DFFE – T053 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to develop a national strategy and action plan aimed at Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (redd) for conservation of forests, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (+) in South Africa
DFFE-T050 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver materials and implement Separation @ Source Pilot Project in Bushbuckridge Local Municipality in support Operation Phakisa: Chemicals and Waste Economy and the National Waste Management Strategy 2020 for the duration of 12 months.
DFFE–T041 (2023/2024) The appointment of a registered valuer to conduct rent reviews in terms of clause 6 of notarial lease agreement entered into by department (DFFE) (Lessor) and five forestry companies (tenants) for a period of six (06) months.
RFQ017 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to mobilise potential investors for funding biodiversity economy business opportunities regarding the Biodiveristy Investment Summit, for a period of three (03) months
DFFE-T045 (2023/2024) The appointment service providers to conduct occupational hygiene surveys (indoor air quality) at the environment house (Head Office, Pretoria - Gauteng) and / or at East Pier Building (Cape Town - Western Cape) for twelve (12) months
DFFE - T043 (2023/2024) To appoint the project management service provider(s) for the implementation of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) - Youth Environmental Service (YES) 2023/2026 project in Region 1: Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North-West provinces funded by the department through the Environmental Programmes (EP) for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
DFFE – T046 (2023/2024) The appointment of a multidisciplinary service provider to develop feasibility study (IES) and business plan (s) including 3-dimensional visual architectural design of infrastructure for the establishment of biodiversity economy mega hubs within all 9 provinces, respectively, for a period of twelve (12) months.
DFFE-T047 (2023/2024) The appointment of a professional service provider to develop a business case that clearly demonstrates the value propositions and a business case for the establishment of a dedicated National Research Foundation Research (NRF) chair for timber research, for a period of six (06) months.
DFFE-T049 (2023/2024) CANCELLED: The appointment of a service provider to render technical and quality assurance services in respect of department (DFFE) procurement processes for a period of 36 months
MLRF203/23 Terms of reference for the appointment of a panel of suppliers to supply the MLRF with recruitment and contracting services for a period of sixty (60) months when required basis.
DFFE – T044 (2023/2024) The appointment of a suitable qualified service provider to supply, install and maintain fully functional integrated CCTV surveillance systems and biometric access readers at 110 Hamilton Street Building, Arcadia, Pretoria for the department
MLRF 202/23 Terms of reference for the appointment of a service provider/s to provide the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF), the department (DFFE) with fisheries stock assessment services for a period of five (5) years
DFFE-T042 (2023-2024) The appointment of a service provider through a leasing contract for the leasing of five (5) truck trailers to be used by the department (Waste Bureau) for the transportation of waste tyres, waste tyre shred, bailed general waste and other related waste materials, for a period of twenty-four (24) month
RFQ016 (23-24) The appointment of a professional service provider to provide an existing forestry software as a service to offer a comprehensive spatial land use and alpha numeric database system for The Department Of Forestry, Fisheries AND The Environment, commercial forestry plantations for a period of six (06) months.
RFQ013 (23-24) The appointment of a service provider who will assist the department with the revision of the emissions inventory, emissions reduction targets development and photochemical modelling of the baseline and emissions reduction targets scenarios for the Vaal Triangle airshed priority area second generation air quality management for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE – T029 (23-24) The appointment of a service provider for the printing of off-road vehicle (orv) signboards and its delivery to four coastal provinces including (Western Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, and Northern Cape province
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Document note Date Published
DFFE-T014 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider(s) to undertake environmental impact assessment studies for afforestation in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, for a period of twenty-four (24) months
DFFE-T038 (2023/2024) The appointment of a suitable multi-disciplinary built environment service provider to provide professional services in planning, designing, and construction monitoring for three (3) sustainable recycling facilities and a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Kouga Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province
DFFE-RFP002 (2023/2024) Call for proposals for inviting proposals from investors willing to form strategic partnership with communities in managing the state forest plantations in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu- Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga and North-West provinces for a period of thirty- five (35) years with the option to renew at the end of the term to seventy (70) years.
DFFE – T039 (2023/2024) Appointment of a suitable multi-disciplinary built environment service provider to provide professional services in planning, designing, and construction monitoring for three (3) sustainable recycling facilities in King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province.
DFFE – T040 (2023/2024) To appoint accredited training service providers for the implementation of OHS compliance training short skills programmes, benefiting participants of the in-house implementation model projects implemented within the Environmental Programme (EP) Region 1 (Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North-West)
DFFE – T037 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider for the development of climate change response plans for four municipalities (Collins Chabane Local Municipality, Amathole District Municipality, Lephalale Local Municipality and Port St Johns Local Municipality) for twelve (12) months.
DFFE – T008 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver, and assemble furniture for offices, kitchen areas, waiting/reception areas, auditorium conference room, and boardrooms for the department in Bhisho of Office: Forestry Management-Eastern Cape Province
DFFE-RFQ012 (2023/2024) To appoint a professional service provider to conduct capacity-building interventions for post-settlement support for a period of four (4) months.
RFQ NO: DFFEQ0024 (2023/2024) Aerial spraying of water hyacinth and supply of registered ethoxylated tallow amine free glyphosate-based herbicide at 14 990 metres affected area of the Inanda Dam, KwaZulu-Natal using a sublethal dosage of Kilo-max. The requirement is as follows: 4 strip sprays in the main body of the dam at least 10m away from the banks to mitigate against spray drift onto non target species.
DFFE – RFQ010 (2023/2024) To appoint a service provider for the development of the toolkits to assist and support Small,Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMES) in Forest Enterprise Development for a period of twelve (12) months
DFFE–RFQ011(23-24) The appointment of a professional service provider to audit the financial statements of the National Forest Recreation and Access Trust, for a period of two (2) months.
DFFE – T012 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for the provision, maintenance, and updating of an online E-legislation (legislation reference) portal on the department’s website for a period of five (05) years
DFFE-T011(23/24) Appointment of a service provider to provide legal support to the DFFE and the minister legal matters for a period of three (3) years on "an as when required basis"
DFFE – T025 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to conduct skills audit for the department for a period of six (06) months
DFFE – T027 (2023/2024) For appointment of the service provider to develop the Lubombo Transfrontier Conservation Area Intergrated Development Plan for a period of six (06) months
DFFE-T010 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to provide personnel security checks screening services for a period of five (5) years on an "as and when required basis.
DFFE-RFQ009 (2023 / 2024) Appointment of the service provider to conduct a review of the national greening strategy for a period of twelve (12) months
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Date Published
MLRF 208 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) for the processing of confiscated Abalone on behalf of the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for a period of thirty-six months
DFFE-T006 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider/s to conduct stock enumeration for biological assets for the department (DFFE) for the period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-T013 (2024/2025) The appointment of service providers for the transportation of waste tyres across the country for a period of 12 (twelve) months.
DFFE T004 (2023 – 2024) Appointment of a cidb graded contractor for the renovation of building works in the free state province (thaba nchu & botshabelo) for a period of twelve (12) months for contractor with 3gb or higher.
DFFE-T018 (2024 - 2025) The appointment of the service provider to conduct occupational health and safety training for a period of six (06) months
DFFE-T038 (2023/2024) The appointment of a suitable multi-disciplinary built environment service provider to provide professional services in planning, designing, and construction monitoring for three (3) sustainable recycling facilities and a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Kouga Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province
DFFE-T018 (2024/2025) The appointment of the service provider to conduct Occupational Health and Safety training for a period of six (06) months.
MLRF206/24 To appoint a service provider to facilitate the establishment of local co-management structures for small-scale fisheries sector in Eastern Cape for a period not exceeding 24 months
DFFE-T039 (2023/2024) For the appointment of a suitable multi-disciplinary built environment service provider to provide professional services in planning, designing and construction monitoring for three (03) sustainable recycling facilities in King Sabata Dalindyebo (KSD) Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape
DFFE-T012 (2023/2024) For the appointment of a service provider for the provision, maintenance, and updating of an online E-Legislation (legislation reference) portal on the department’s (DFFE) website for a period of five (05) years
DFFE-T057 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider to supply and deliver occupational hygiene instruments within one (01) month.
DFFE-T005 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider to compile the 2nd South Africa State of Waste Report on behalf of the department (DFFE) for a period of fourteen (14) months.
DFFE-T058 (2023 - 2024) The appointment of the professional service provider to provide veldfire statistics in South Africa for a period of thirty-six (36) months
E1622 Appointment of the service provider for the provision of VSAT/ Satellite Connectivity Services including required peripheral equipment to enable data communication between Cape Town, Antarctica, Marion and Gough Island as well as the SA Agulhas II for five (5) years for branch: Ocean And Coasts
DFFE-T086 (2022-2023) For the appointment of project management companies to render project management services to the department (DFFE) for the Source to Sea Programme as part of the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme towards COVID-19 response within the 11 coastal districts of the Eastern Cape, Western Cape, and Northern Cape provinces for a period of six months
MLRF209/24 To appoint a service provider to effectively and efficiently monitor and report on the release, processing and selling of confiscated abalone for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
DFFE-T043 (2023 - 2024) For the establishment of a panel of EPWP service providers for built environment professionals to implement projects on an as and when required basis for a period of three (3) years
DFFE-T045 (2023 - 2024) Appoint service providers to conduct occupational hygiene surveys (indoor air quality) at the environment house (Head Office, Pretoria-Gauteng) and / or at East Pier Building (Cape Town -Western Cape) for twelve (12) months
DFFE-RFQ008 (2023 - 2024) The appointment of a service provider to develop a National Atmospheric Emission Inventory System (NAEIS) reporting guidelines for categories one (1) to five (5) listed activities published in terms of section 21 of the National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act No. 39 Of 2004) for a period of twelve (12) months
DFFE-RFQ004 (2024 - 2025) The appointment of a suitable independent service provider to conduct accredited NQF level 5 peace officer training for forest officers and fire protection officers over two (2) consecutive weeks annually in three (3) consecutive years.
DFFE-T003 (2024-2025) For the appointment of a service provider for the manning, management, and maintenance of the polar supply and research vessel S.A. Agulhas II and environmental research vessel Algoa for 60 months
DFFE-T067 (2022/2023) To appoint multiple service providers on 5-year contracts to assist the DFFE with the implementation of alien plant clearing, bush encroachment, and associated projects in the Free-State, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu-Natal provinces
RFQ 005 (2024/2025) Appointment of a professional service provider to investigate the decline of timber plantations in South Africa for a period of six (6) months.
DFFE-T056 (2023/2024) The appointment of a suitable service provider/s to develop the National Veldfire Risk Profile for a period of 12 months.
DFFE-RFP002 (2023/2024) Call for proposal for inviting proposals from investors willing to form strategic partnership with communities in managing the state forest plantations in Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North-West provinces for a period of thirty-five (35) years with the option to renew at the end of the term to seventy (70) years
DFFE-T012 (2024/2025) Appointment of a hazmat specialist company (service provider) to undertake the clean-up and rehabilitation of the Lichtenburg (Biesiesvlei) Waste Tyre Depot after the fire incident for a period of six (06) months
DFFE-RFQ002 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to assist the department with the independent review and revision of the 2017 National Framework for Air Quality Management in South Africa for a period of twelve (12) months
DFFE-T023 (2023/2024) Appointment of a suitable service provider to render project management services to the department (DFFE) to clear illegal dumps and cleaning of streets in Matjhabeng Local Municipality over a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-T053 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to develop a national strategy and action plan aimed at Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) for conservation of forests, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (+) in South Africa
DFFE-T049 (2022/2023) Establishment of a panel of EPWP project management service providers for mass employment programmes for environmental protection and infrastructure programme for a period of three years.
DFFE-T017 (2023/2024) The appointment of a contractor of CIDB graded contractor for the implementation of the infrastructure project: Mpumalanga - Swile Mavokweni Game Farm and Wildlife Projects.
RFQ097AM Appointment of serice provider to conduct online short courses on audit studies
RFQ 013 Appointment of a service provider who will assist the department with the revision of the emissions inventory, emissions reduction targets development and photochemical modelling of the baseline and emissions reduction targets scenarios for the Vaal Triangle Airshed Priority Area Second Generation Air Quality Management for a period of eighteen (18) months.
RFQ 003 Appointment of a suitable independent service provider to manage the environmental crimes and incidents hotline for department for period of sixty (60) months
DFFEQ02M (2024/2025) Appointment of a serice provider to supply and deliver corporate clothing to the department.
DFFE-T003 (2023/2024) Appointment of a CIDB graded contractor for the construction of building works (tower, access, ablutions, parking area, etc) in the Eastern Cape (Coffee Bay & Hole in the Wall Beach) for a period of twelve (12) months for contractor with 6gb or higher.
DFFE-T002 (2023/2024) Appointment of a CIDB graded contractor for the construction of landscaping, paving and building works in the Eastern Cape (Mvezo) for a period of eighteen (18) months for contractor with 6Gb or higher
DFFE-T001 (2023/2024) Appointment of a CIDB graded contractor for the construction of landscaping and park facilities in the Eastern Cape (Cofimvaba) for a period of twelve (12) months for contractor with 3Gb or higher
DFFE-T033 (2023/2024) Appointment of a supplementary panel of laboratories on an “as and when” required basis for a period of three years
DFFE–T042 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider through a leasing contract for the leasing of five (5) truck trailers to be used by the department (Waste Bureau) for the transportation of waste tyres, waste tyre shred, bailed general waste and other related waste materials, for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-T055 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider to provide specialist technical, legal, financial, and economic advisory services and support to the Regulating Committee for Meteorological Services (RCMS) in regulating fees payable to the South African Weather Service (SAWS) for the provision of Meteorological Services to the Aviation and Maritime industries for a period of three (03) years
DFFE-T042 (2022/2023) Appointment of a service provider to provide cleaning and/or hygiene services to the DFFE for the duration of 36 months in Limpopo, North West, Free State and Northern Cape provinces
DFFE – T022 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to assist the department (DFFE) with the revision of the Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) for African Lion (Panthera Leo) for South Africa for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-RFQ014 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider who will assist the department with the revision of the emissions inventory, emissions reduction targets development and photochemical modelling of the baseline and emissions reduction targets scenarios for the Waterberg-Bojanala Priority Area Second Generation Air Quality Management for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE – T072 (2022/2023) The appointment of a service provider for the creation of firebreaks and implementation of fuel load reduction activities in high-fire risk communities for the period of twelve (12) months.
DFFE – T030 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and commissioning of twenty-five (25) low-cost air quality monitoring sensors for the department, as well as the maintenance, repairs and technical support of the sensors for a period of five (05) years.
DFFE-RFQ010 (2023-2024) To appoint a service provider for the development of the toolkits to assist and support Small, Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) in forest enterprise development for a period of twelve (12) months.
DFFE-RFQ017 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to mobilise potential investors for funding biodiversity economy business opportunities regarding the Biodiversity Investment Summit, for a period of three (03) months.
WBE109 (2022/2023) Appointment of a service provider to conduct research on export market opportunities for waste tyres and to provide an overview of uses of waste tyres in those waste tyre importing countries and industries within those countries for a period of four (4) months.
RFQ 005 The service provider to conduct a mid-term evaluation on adaptive capacity facility for a period of four (04) months
DFFE-RFQ012 (2023/2024) To appoint a professional service provider to conduct capacity-building interventions for post-settlement support for a period of four (4) months.
DFFE-T034 (2023-2024) The appointment of a service provider for the manning, management, and maintenance of the polar supply and research vessel S.A. Agulhas II and environmental research vessel Algoa for 60 months.
DFFE-RFQ007 (2022/2023) The appointment of the service provider to assist the department (DFFE) to conduct an acoustic survey study and develop guidelines for the white-winged flufftail under the conservation of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) for a period of twelve (12) months
DFFE-RFQ006 (2023/2024) The alignment and consolidation of environmental legal protocol, legal framework, performance indicators, prototype organizational structures, costing of environmental functions and sector position paper for local government on environmental functions for a period of five (5) months
DFFE-T054 (2023-2024) The appointment of medical doctors within the Cape Town Metropolitan area to conduct mandatory medical examinations, tests, and associated services related to one or more of the following: Click on description.
DFFE-T049 (2023/2024) Appointment of service provider to render technical and quality assurance services in respect of DFFE’s procurement processes for a period of 36 months
DFFE-T044 (2023/2024) Appointment of a suitable qualified service provider to supply, install and maintain fully functional integrated CCTV surveillance systems and biometric access readers at 110 Hamilton Street Building, Arcadia, Pretoria
DFFE-T040 (2023/2024) To appoint accredited training service providers for the implementation of OHS compliance training short skills programmes, benefiting participants of the in-house implementation model projects implemented within the Environmental Programme (EP) region 1 (Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North-West)
DFFE-T065 (2022/2023) Appointment of multiple service providers on five (05) year contracts from 2023/24 financial year to assist DFFE with the implementation of aquatic weeds manual removal, foliar and aerial herbicide sub-lethal application projects
DFFE-T028 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to render services by developing a National Wetland Policy for South Africa for the DFFE for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE-T074 (2022/2023) Appointment of multiple service providers on five (05) year contracts from 2023/24 financial year to assist DFFE to support priorities research, implementation and mass rearing of biological control agents
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Date Published
DFFE-T010 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to provider personnel security checks screening for a period of five years on an “as and when required basis.
DFFE-RFQ025 (2022/2023) The appointment of accredited service provider(s) to offer accredited training (NQF level 2) on leather production and manufacturing for manufacturing of belts and handbags for a period of five (5) days within Gauteng (Pretoria) targeting twenty-five (25) beneficiaries participating in the biodiversity economy programme.
DFFE-RFQ024 (2022/2023) The appointment of a service provider(s) to offer training in game farm management (minimum of NQF level 2) accredited by SETA, SAQA, or field guides association of Southern Africa for a period of five (5) days within the Northern Cape (Kimberley) and Kwa-Zulu Natal (Richards Bay) targeting twenty-five (25) and thirty (30) beneficiaries participating in the biodiversity economy programme respectively.
DFFE-T108 (2022/2023) The appointment of a suitably qualified registered contractors with the grading designation of 2CE or higher to assist DFFE with the implementation of wetlands rehabilitation projects in five provinces, for a minimum period of one (1) year to a maximum period of five (5) years.
DFFE-T105 (2022/2023) The department (DFFE) invites suitably qualified contractors with a CIDB registered grading designation of 3 CE or higher to assist DFFE with the implementation of wetlands rehabilitation projects in various locations, for a minimum period of 1 year to a maximum period of 5 years.
DFFE-T103 (2022/2023) The department invites suitably qualified contractors with a CIDB registered grading designation of 1 CE or higher to assist DFFE with the implementation of wetlands rehabilitation projects in various locations, for a minimum period of 1 year to a maximum period of 5 years
DFFE - T031 (2023/2024) The appointment of a service provider to provide and support a library management software solution that provides for the seamless continued operation of the department’s libraries to best practice local and international library standards for a period of five (05) years.
DFFE-T009 (23/24) To appoint service provider for the service, repairs, and maintenance of fire-fighting equipment and other small plant equipment in the Eastern Cape Plantations (Mthatha and Bisho) for the department for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
DFFE-T068 (2022/2023) To appoint multiple service providers to assist the DFFE with the implementation of alien plant clearing, bush encroachment and associated projects in the Western Cape and Northern Cape provinces for a period of five (5) years.
DFFE-RFQ 016 (2021/2022) Appointment of the service provider to develop a policy (operational policy) for the Environmental (EP) Programmes Branch for a period of twelve (12) months.
DFFE-T109 (2022/2023) For the appointment of the service provider who will assist Thabo Mafutsanyana District Municipality to develop an air quality management plan for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-T1030 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and commissioning of twenty-five (25) low-cost air quality monitoring sensors for the department as well as the maintenance, repairs and technical support of the sensors for a period of five (05) years.
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Briefing session Additional documents Date Published
RFQ 000768 Request to appoint a service provider for large pelagics in Cape Town or surrounding areas to supply and deliver protective clothing
DFFE-RFQ000767 (2023/2024) Request to appoint a service provider to remove 50 500 (fifty thousand five hundred) bottles between 200 - 400 ml with 2% - 4% formalin as a fixative
DFFEQ 0022 CPT (2023/2024) Click on description
DFFEQ0023 CPT Click on description
DFFE-RFQ010 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for development of toolkits set to assist and support small, micro and medium enterprises (SMMEs) in forest enterprise development for a period of twelve (12) months

Non-compulsory briefing session:
Date: 20 November 2023 
Time: 14H00 AM 
Platform: Virtual / MS Teams: click here to join the meeting

Briefing session minutes (163.84 KB)
DFFE-RFQ011 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to audit the financial statements of the National Forest Recreation and Access Trust, for a period of two (2) months

Bidders should note that enquiries will only be allowed at least 10 days before the tender closes.

RFQ000769 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver aluminium treadplate
RFQ 000770 Request to appoint a service provider for linefish in Cape Town or surrounding areas to supply and deliver service of boat winch and footswitch, including testing and certification NB: Suppliers should be registered on the CSD
RFQ 000771 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver copepod research consumables. NB: Suppliers should be registered on the CSD
RFQ 000772 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver hydro and visual cylinders test of dive cylinders and oxygen clean of oxygen cylinders. NB: Suppliers should be registered on the CSD
RFQ000773 Appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver, and install customised sets of wooden venetian blinds
DFFE-RFQ012 (2023/2024) Appointment of a professional service provider to conduct capacity-building interventions for post-settlement support for a period of four (4) months.

NOTE: Bidders who had submitted bid proposal before publication of the addendum should collect their proposals and re-submit in line with the addendum issued.

Addendum: declaration certificate for local production and content (SBD 6.2) and Annexure C [Xlsx] (12.61 KB) , Addendum (135.74 KB)
RFQ000775 To appoint a service provider to assist the DFFE / MLRF to supply 25 trasgression registers, 25 exhibit registers, 500 pocketbooks, 250 notice to appear in court, 25 notice of receipt, for NEC offices (East London, Centane, Port St Johns and Mzamba
RFQ000774 To appoint a service provider to assist the DFFE / MLRF to supply 4000 metal seals, 5000 cable ties, 5000 plastic tags, 5000 exhibit bags
RFQ000778 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver stationery for Durban Station.
DFFE-T008 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver, and assemble furniture for offices, kitchen areas, waiting/reception areas, auditorium conference room, and boardrooms for the DFFE Bhisho Office: Forestry Management Eastern Cape Province

Physical meeting | Compulsory briefing session Date: 25 October 2023 | Time: 10:00-12:00 | Venue:  V&A Waterfront Building, East Pier 1, Cape Town | 2nd floor @ main board room

Addendum no.: 02: change of closing date from 24 November 2023 to 05 December 2023. (4.9 MB)
DFFE-T037 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for the development of climate change response plans for four municipalities (Collins Chabane Local Municipality, Amathole District Municipality, Lephalale Local Municipality and Port St Johns Local Municipality) for twelve (12) months

Non-compulsory briefing session
Date: 23 November 2023
Time: 14:00 to 15:30
Mode: virtual - Click here to join the briefing

Bidders should note that enquiries will only be allowed at least 10 days before the tender closes.

DFFEQ0341M (2023/2024) SHE Training for Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Province – Greening and Cleaning Programme (Inhouse Model).
DFFEQ0362M (2023/2024) First Aid Training in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West Province – Greening and Cleaning Programme (Inhouse Model).
DFFE-T014 (2023/2024) Appointment of a professional service provider to undertake environmental impact assessment studies for afforestation in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape, for a period of twenty-four (24) months

Compulsory briefing session:
Date: 20 November 2023
Time: 10:00 to 11:00
Mode: virtual - Click here to join the briefing

Briefing session minutes (179.65 KB) , Addendem no: 01: change of closing date from 08 Decmber 2023 to 13 December 2023 (1.5 MB)
RFQ000779 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver consumables for Directorate: Fisheries Protection Vessel.
DFFE-T034 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for manning, management and maintenance of the polar supply and research vessel SA Agulhas II and environmental research vessel Algoa for 60 months

Physical meeting | Compulsory briefing session Date: 25 October 2023 | Time: 10:00-12:00 | Venue:  V&A Waterfront Building, East Pier 1, Cape Town | 2nd floor @ main board room

Addendum no.: 02: change of closing date from 24 November 2023 to 12 December 2023 (3.22 MB)
DFFE-T038 (23/24) The appointment of a suitable multi-disciplinary built environment service provider to provide professional services in planning, designing, and construction monitoring for three (3) sustainable recycling facilities and a Material Recovery Facility (MRF) in Kouga Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province. Briefing session minutes_0.pdf (138.68 KB)
DFFE- T039 (23/24) The appointment of a suitable multi-disciplinary built environment service provider to provide professional services in planning, designing, and construction monitoring for three (3) sustainable recycling facilities in King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province.

Compulsory site briefing sessions: 
Date: 27 November 2023 (see tender doc for more details)

Briefing session minutes.pdf (163.99 KB)
DFFE-RFP002 (2023/2024) Call For Proposal (CFP) for inviting proposals from investors willing to form strategic partnership with communities in managing the state forest plantations in Eastern Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal, Limpopo and Mpumalanga and North-West provinces for a period of thirty-five (35) years with the option to renew at the end of the term to seventy (70) years minutes of compulsory information session interested bidder (325.08 KB) , Addendum: changes to the SBD 3.1 for pricing schedule (135.76 KB) , Addendum [PDF] (268.28 KB) , Briefing sessions - information Interested bidders.pdf (329.88 KB)
RFQ000780 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver a portable travel fridge as per annexure attached.
RFQ000781 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver personal protective equipment (PPE's).
RFQ000782 Request to appoint a service provider for new fisheries, in Cape Town or surrounding areas to supply and deliver protective gear as per Annexure A attached
RFQ000784 To appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF), for procurement of consumables for the office of the Director Offshore and High Seas Fisheries Management.
RFQ000788 Appointment of a service provider for inshore abalone in Cape Town or surrounding areas to conduct fishery independent abalone surveys (FIAS)
DFFE-RFQ014 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to assist the department with revision of emissions inventory, emissions reduction targets development and photochemical modelling of baseline and emissions reduction targets scenarios for Waterberg-Bojanala priority area second generation air quality management for a period of eighteen (18) months
RFQ000785 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver syringe filters to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFE-RFQ013 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to assist the department with revision of emissions inventory, emissions reduction targets development and photochemical modelling of baseline and emissions reduction targets scenarios for Vaal Triangle airshed priority area second generation air quality management for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE-T042 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider through a leasing contract for the leasing of five (5) truck trailers to be used by the DFFE Waste Bureau for transportation of waste tyres, waste tyre shred, bailed general waste and other related waste materials, for a period of twenty-four (24) months
MLRF202/23 Appointment of a service provider to provide DFFE - MLRF with fisheries stock assessment services for a period of five (5) years
RFQ000783 To appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply and deliver security service of Saldanha Bay Office for the period of 36 months.
RFQ000786 Appointment of a service provider to render security services at DFFE / MLRF Port Elizabeth / Gqeberha Office for a period of 36 months.
DFFE-T047 (2023/2024) Appointment of a professional service provider to develop a business case that clearly demonstrates the value propositions and a business case for the establishment of a dedicated National Research Foundation Research (NRF) Chair for timber research, for a period of six (06) months.
MLRF203/23 Appointment of a panel of service providers to provide the Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) with contract workers for a period of sixty (60) months for as and when required basis.

Non-compulsory briefing session:

Date: 22 January 2024
Time: 10:00. 
Virtual: Link can be requested from

MS Teams details:
Meeting ID: 379 604 924 250
Passcode: 4wYEgS

DFFE-T043 (2023/2024) Appointment of project management service provider(s) for implementation of Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) - Youth Environmental Service (YES) 2023/2026 project in region 1: Limpopo, Mpumalanga, and North-West Provinces funded by the department through the Environmental Programmes (EP) for a period of thirty-six (36) months.

Non-compulsory briefing

Date: 18 January 2024
Time: 10:00 – 11:00 
Virtual platform: MS Teams - click here to join the meeting

RFQ000787 Appointment of a service provider to render security services at DFFE / MLRF Hermanus Office for a period of 36 months
DFFE-T046 (2023-2024) The appointment of a multidisciplinary service provider to develop feasibility study (IES) and business plan(s) including 3-dimensional visual architectural design of infrastructure for the establishment of biodiversity economy mega hubs within all 9 provinces, respectively, for a period of twelve (12) months.

Compulsory briefing session information:
Date: 24 January 2024
Time: 11:00 – 12:00
Platform: Microsoft Teams - Click here to join the meeting

DFFE-T046 Final Briefing Session Minutes_0.PDF (463.39 KB)
DFFE-T045 (2023/2024) Appointment of service providers to conduct occupational hygiene surveys (indoor air quality) at Environment House (Head Office, Pretoria-Gauteng) and / or At East Pier Building (Cape Town -Western Cape) for twelve (12) months.

Compulsory briefing sessions:

  1. Environment House (Pretoria) 
    Date: 01 February 2024 
    Time: 10:00 -12:30 
    Venue: Environment House, 473 Steve Biko and Soutpansberg Road, Arcadia , Pretoria.
  2. East Pier 1 and 2 Building (Cape Town) 
    Date: 02 February 2024
    Time: 10:00 -12:30 
    Venue: 24 East Pier Rd, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town,8001
DFFE – T045 Addendum No.1.pdf (196.46 KB) , DFFE – T045 Minutes.pdf (188.65 KB)
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Briefing session Additional documents Date Published
DFFE-RFQ016 (23/24) The appointment of a professional service provider to provide an existing forestry software as a service to offer a comprehensive spatial land use and alpha numeric database system for the department of forestry, fisheries and the environment, commercial forestry plantations for a period of six (06) months.
DFFE-RFQ000795 (2023/2024) The department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) requires the services of a service provider to supply and deliver cleaning material for laboratory .
DFFE-RFQ000796 (2023/2024) To appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and deliver of equipment.
DFFE-RFQ000797 (2023/2024) To appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and delivery of underwater camera housings, underwater lights and underwater light housings.
RFQ000789 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver alarm system, monitoring and armed response for East London office for a period of 36 months
RFQ000798 To appoint a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) for supply and delivery of enzyme assays
RFQ000799 To appoint a service provider to supply 300kg Squid and 300kg Pilchards for Finfish Broodstock Feeding
RFQ 000806 The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) requires the services of a service provider to supply and deliver office furniture.
RFQ000777 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment/Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) with the supply and delivery of specialized cement
RFQ 000790 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment/Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) with the supply and delivery of protective clothing
RFQ 000803 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment /Marine Living Resources Fund for supply 12x Air Freshner, 15 x Boxes of gloves and 5 x 48 Twinsaver toilet paper
RFQ 000805 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment /Marine Living Resources Fund with various materials to be delivered to the Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC) in Gariep Dam, Free State
RFQ 000776 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment /Marine Living Resources Fund with the supply and delivery of four(4) temperature loggers
DFFE-RFQ000807 (2023/2024) To appoint a service provider to provide the department /Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply and deliver 25mm round bar (4)
RFQ 000793 Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) with the supply and delivery of Winch for vehicle
RFQ 000801 Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) with the supply and delivery of 6x Telephones( Dual use of VOIP and analogue telephone, 6x Reconnection of telephone lines ports and 6x Headsets
RFQ000802 Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) for support and maintenance for server T4, T7 and SL 150 including professional service for 200 hours on an adhoc basis
RFQ 000804 Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF) with the service for support and maintenance of DELL power edge R720(TAG Number 8JND322)
RFQ 000792 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment /Marine Living Resources Fund for supply and delivery of one electronic scale
RFQ 000794 The appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment /Marine Living Resources Fund with the supply and delivery of office accessories for the office of Director: Small-Scale Fisheries Management office in Cape Town
RFQ 000791 The appointment of a service provider on a twelve(12) month contract to conduct an environmental risk assessment for portential areas for abalone ranching and stock enhancement of abalone(Haliotis Midae) in the Eastern Cape on behalf of the DFFE Marine Living Resources Fund(MLRF
RFQ000810 Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment/ Marine Living Resources Fund to open up the channel at Gordons Bay Harbour mouth during low tide for a period of six(6) months.
RFQ000811 The department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) requires the services of a service provider to supply and deliver engineering consumables.
RFQ000808 Appointment of a service provider to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment/ Marine Living Resources Fund to supply preventative maintenance of an Axio Observer (Zeiss) microscope.
RFQ000809 Appointment of a service provider to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment/ Marine Living Resources Fund to supply and deliver laboratory consumables, protective equipment and small equipment
DFFE-T041 (2023-2024) The appointment of a registered valuer to conduct rent reviews in terms of clause 6 of notarial lease agreement entered into by department (DFFE) (Lessor) and five forestry companies (tenants) for a period of six (06) months.
RFQ 000812 To appoint a service provider to supply NMEA Buffers
RFQ 000813 To appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and delivery of repair, service and calibration of YSI Pro Plus Multi-Parameter water quality instrument.
DFFEQ026 CPT Latest RSA farm portion ownership data (i.e. owner name and ID number)
RFQ 000819 Appointment of a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply, deliver and install 26 frosting films for glass window/ door panels for
RFQ 000816 Appointment of a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply and deliver a recirculating aquaculture filter system components
RFQ 000815 Appointment of a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply and install channel lights, industrial plugs and sockets
RFQ 000814 Appointment of a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and deliver storage cabinets for flammable and non-flammable chemicals, as required by the Aquatic Animal Health Group (AITD: AAH).
RFQ-DFFEQ025 CPT Click on description
RFQ 000820 To appoint a service provider to provide the department / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply and deliver qubit fluorometer and reagents
RFQ 000821 To appoint a service provider for the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to facilitate service and Recalibrste SSE Suna V2 Submersible Ultra Violet Nitrate Analyser by Seabird Scientific in USA
RFQ000818 Request to appoint a service provider to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF with monthly payroll administration services for up to 1500 employees which includes EPWP workers, EPWP operational support staff and management for a period of six (6) months.
RFQ 000822 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver a service of reviewing policies.
RFQ000823 Request to appoint a service provider to undertake a once off repair and maintenance job of semi-rigid vessel (ECHO)
RFQ000827 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver of Techniblock sun protection spray to the DFFE / MLRF.
RFQ000830 Appointment of a service provider to render training course for minute taking to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000831 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver underwater camera housings, underwater lights and underwater light housings to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFEQ 027 CPT (23-24) Appointment of a service provider to supply of meat for Marion Island
RFQ000832 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver protective gear for a laboratory to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000833 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver a lap top to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000834 Appointment of a service provider to render garden services for a period of three (3) years, twice (2) a year at the research aquarium facility, Sea Point
MLRF204/23 The appointment of a service provider to render the services of scanning, indexing and digitally storing records (approximately 5 million copies) of the previous Fishing Rights Application Processes (FRAP) to the Marine Living Resources
RFQ000835 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver of sun hats and fishing waders to the DFFE / MLRF.
RFQ000836 Appointment of a service provider for binding of library journals
RFQ000826 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver hydro and visual cylinders test of dive cylinders and oxygen clean of oxygen cylinders.
RFQ000837 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver to the DFFE / MLRF 24 industrial high pressure jet machine for 12 proclaim fishing harbours management
RFQ000838 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver to the DFFE / MLRF tote boxes and lids, various colours.
RFQ000839 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver to the DFFE / MLRF spares for boat trailers
RFQ000840 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver to the DFFE / MLRF centrifuge tubes
RFQ000843 Appointment of a service provider to supply the DFFE/MLRF with components and spares for seabird electronics SBE-32 Carousel water sampler and OTE 8-liter bottles.
RFQ000842 Appointment of a service provider to supply proximate, amino acid, fatty acid and heavy metal analysis on 16 Fish fillet samples
RFQ000845 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver a service of reviewing policies, legislation and institutional arrangements governing the freshwater/inland fisheries sector in South Africa
RFQ000846 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver recirculating aquaculture consumable as per attached annexure – A to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000847 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver consumable goods as per attached annexure – A to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFE-T053 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to develop a national strategy and action plan aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) for conservation of forests, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (+) in South Africa

Non-compulsory briefing session: 
Date: 15 March 2024 
Time: 09H00 am- 11H00 am 
Venue: Boardroom 110 1st Floor Hamilton Building, 110 Hamilton Street, Arcadia Pretoria

DFFE-T051 (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider for the development, facilitation, and implementation of the change management strategy and culture alignment in the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), for a period of eighteen (18) months.
DFFE-RFQ000849 (2023/2024) Request to appoint a service provider to supply and install two x 6 meter containerised blast freezers in Paarden Eiland stores.
MLRF205/23 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver horizontal dredging pump, motor, accessories and maintenance that includes a service plan to the DFFE/MLRF

A virtual compulsory briefing session will be held on:
Date: 26 March 2024
Time: 10:00
Platform: Ms Teams (Link can be requested from
Meeting ID: 325 941 618 074
Passcode: NPZnTW

DFFE-T055 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider to provide specialist technical, legal, financial, and economic advisory services and support to the Regulating Committee For Meteorological Services (RCMS) in regulating fees payable to the South African Weather Service (SAWS) for the provision of meteorological services to the aviation and maritime industries for a period of three (03) years

Compulsory briefing session 
Date: 26 March 2024 at 10:00 to 11:30 
Platform: MS Teams - Click here to join the meeting

T055 Briefing minutes


DFFE-T056 (2023/2024) Appointment of a suitable service provider/s to develop the national veldfire risk profile for a period of 12 months

Non-compulsory briefing session information: 
Date: 27 March 2024 
Time: 10:00 am – 11:30 am 
Platform: Microsoft Teams - Click here to join the meeting

T056 Non-Compulsory Briefing Session Minutes

DFFE T059 Appointment of a maximum of (5) five panel of service providers to support the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment with the facilitation of the department learning network (dln) sessions on an “as and when” _required basis by the department for a period of three (03) years.

Compulsory Briefing Date: Wednesday, 03 April 2024 Time: 09:30 am – 10:30 am Link: Microsoft Teams 

DFFE – T057 (2023/2024) The appointment of the service provider to supply and deliver occupational hygiene instruments within one (01) month.
DFFE-RFQ000852 (2023/2024) Request to appoint a service provider, for large pelagics in cape town or surrounding areas to supply and deliver protective clothing as per attached Annexure A
DFFEQ 028 CPT(2023/2024) Supply and delivery of Laboratory consumables for research
DFFE-T058 (2023/2024) The appointment of the professional service provider to provide veldfire statistics in South Africa, for a period of thirty-six (36) months.

Briefing Session Minutes: 
Date: 09 April 2024 
Starting time: 10:00am to 11:30am 

DFFEQ03M (2024/2025) Appointment of a suitable service provider to render Bid Committee Training to Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment bid committee members
DFFEQ02M (2024/2025) Appointment of a suitable service provider to supply and deliver corporate clothing to the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment
DFFEQ 031 CPT (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to render first aid training services for Antarctica and Islands voyage
DFFEQ 030 CPT (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to render firefighting training services for Antarctica and Islands voyage
DFFEQ 029 CPT (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provider to render cooking training services for Antarctica and Islands voyage
DFFE-T001 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider to conduct an external audit of expenditure for the Global Environment Facility (GEF7) Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 project for a period of three (03) years
DFFE–RFQ001 (2024/2025) Appointment service provider to conduct the audit of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project, the Capacity Building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) project, including three (3) annual audit reports for a period of twelve (12) months.
RFQ000854 Appointment of a panel of service providers to render catering services for training sessions and operations steering committee meetings at Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre in Gariep Dam, Free State for the period starting from 13 May 2024 to 31 March 2025 for the DFFE / MLRF.
DFFE-RFQ000855 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to repair and maintain four walk in freezers for the department (DFFE) , Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) , for a period of two (2) years
RFQ000856 Request to appoint a service provider to supply led weatherproof fluorescent units, marine electrical connectors, daylight led tubes and electrical crimping tool.
RFQ000857 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver trawl netting and polysteel rope
DFFE-T003 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider for the manning, management, and maintenance of the polar supply and research vessel SA Agulhas II and environmental research vessel Algoa for 60 months.

The compulsory information session will be held as follows: 
Date: 06 May 2024 
Time: 10:00-12:00 
Platform/ Venue: Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment, V&A Waterfront Building, at Main Board Room, 2nd Floor, East Pier 1 (Cape Town)

Addendum (3.22 MB)
DFFEQ 032 CPT (2023/2024) Appointment of a service provide for the supply and delivery of oxygen transmitters
RFQ000889 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) /MLRF for the Service and Maintenance of UPS
RFQ000888 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) /MLRF to supply feed ingredients for a period 2023/24
DFFEQ 033 CPT (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to render boat hire services
DFFE-T004 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider/s to propagate, supply and deliver seedlings in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, and Mpumalanga provinces for the DFFE for a period of 24 months.
RFQ000859 Appointment of a service provider to supply courier services to Brazil for inshore large pelagic in Cape Town or surrounding areas for the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000860 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver general consumable goods to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFE-T005 (2024/2025) The appointment of suitable service provider to compile the 2nd South Africa State of Waste Report on behalf of the department (DFFE) for a period of fourteen (14) months.
RFQ000858 Appointment of a service provider to retrieve all data from a failed RAID 5 Array on a HP ProLiant ML 350 server, and to transfer the recovered data to an external hard drive.
RFQ000861 Appointment of a service provider to render courier services from Australia to Cape Town for inshore west coast rock lobster in Cape Town or surrounding areas on behalf of DFFE / MLRF.
RFQ000862 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver chemicals (ethanol formula delight and hand pump)
RFQ000863 Request to appoint a service provider for net fish in Cape Town or surrounding areas to supply and deliver consumable goods for biological sampling as per attached Annexure A
RFQ000864 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver various materials to the Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC), Gariep Dam, Free-StateRequest to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver various materials to the Aquaculture Technology Demonstration Centre (ATDC), Gariep Dam, Free-State
RFQ000865 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver consumables
DFFE-T007 (2024/2025) Appointment of language agencies to render translation services to the DFFE on an “as and when required basis for a period of thirty-six (36) months.

Date: 30 May 2024 
Time: 10H00 to 12H00 
Link: Join the meeting now

RFQ 000866 Appointment of an independent service provider on a twelve (12) month contract to conduct an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for potential areas for Abalone ranching and stock enhancement of Abalone (Haliotis Midae) in the Eastern Cape on behalf of the department (DFFE)/ Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF).

A virtual non-compulsory briefing session will be held on the 12th of June 2024
(Wednesday) at 10:00. Link can be requested from
Meeting ID: 329 766 634 36
Passcode: wxcuMD
All responses must be submitted electronically to

Abalone Ranching Updated Annexure A 2024.xlsx (23.41 KB) , CV Form Template Annexure B.doc (137 KB) , Process for abalone ranching in small scale fishing_Annexure C 2024.pdf (212.02 KB)
DFFE-RFQ002 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to assist the department with the independent review and revision of the 2017 National Framework For Air Quality Management In South Africa for a period of twelve (12) months.

Bidders should note that enquiries will only be allowed at least 7 days before the tender closed.

RFQ000868 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver protective clothing to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000867 Appointment of a service provider to supply paint and consumables to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFE-T006 (2024/2025) Appointment of suitable service provider/s to conduct stock enumeration for biological assets for the DFFE for the period of twenty-four (24) months.

Minutes of compulsory briefing session held on 10, 12 and 14 June 2024:

RFQ000870 Appointment of a service provider to supply/rental and deliver 3 oxygen 14kg gas cylinders and 3 acetylene 8kg gas cylinders for Coastal Structures Paarden Eiland.
RFQ000873 Appointment of a service provider to supply Turner Designs trilogy laboratory bench top fluorometer (or equivalent) for the analysis of chlorophyll A.
DFFE-RFQ003 (2024/2025) Appointment of a suitable independent service provider to manage the environmental crimes and incidents hotline DFFE for period of sixty (60) months

Bidders should note that enquiries will only be allowed at least 7 days before the tender closes.

RFQ000872 Appointment of a service provider supply and deliver to the DFFE / MLRF Hach DR900 or Lovibond MD600 colorimeters water quality testing consumables
DFFE-T008 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider with proven expertise to perform fair valuation of DFFE’s biological assets to ensure compliance with the requirements of the modified cash standards for a period of twenty-four (24) months.

Non-Compulsory briefing session information:
Date: 27th of June 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

dffet008.24.25_briefingminutes27june2024.pdf (162.55 KB)
RFQ000874 Appointment of a service provider render food safety office administration services at, marine research facility, Sea Point, Cape Town for a period of 24 months
RFQ000876 Appointment of a service provider supply SAS statistical software to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000875 Appointment of a service provider render maintenance dredging services that will result in the opening of the channel at the harbour mouth of the Gordons Bay proclaimed fishing harbour to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFE-T010 (2024/2025) Appointment of professional service provider/s to develop municipal integrated waste management plans (IWMPS) for five (05) district municipalities and their local municipalities for a period of eighteen (18) months.

Non-compulsory briefing session information:
Date: 10 July 2024
Time: 10:00 – 11:00
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

dffet010.24.25_addendum_0.pdf (178.83 KB) , dffet010.24.25_addendum_no2.pdf (3.31 MB) , dffet010.24.25_briefingminutes.pdf (222.41 KB)
RFQ000877 Appointment of a service provider for maintenance services of the Milestone Logos tissue processor and provide the delivery thereof to the Sea Point Aquarium
RFQ097AM (2024/2025) Appointment of service provider to conduct online short courses on audit studies. Standard Bidding Document (SDB) 4_Annexure A.pdf (291.64 KB) , Standard Bidding Document in terms of PPR 20220124.pdf (222.53 KB)
RFQ000879 Appointment of a service provider for an upgrade of lnmagic library database to GeniePlus for a period of three years
DFFE-T013 (2024/2025) Appointment of service providers for the transportation of waste tyres across the country for a period of 12 (twelve) months.

Compulsory briefing session information: 

Date: 10 July 2024 
Time: 10h00 – 11h30 
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

dffet013.24.25_addendum_0.pdf (353.41 KB)
DFFE-T014 (2024/2025) Appointment of service providers to develop a national circular economy action plan within twenty-four (24) months

Non-compulsory briefing session information: 

Date: 10 July 2024 
Time: 09:00 – 11:00 
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

dffet014.24.25_briefingminutes.pdf (201.13 KB)
DFFE-T012 (2024/2025) Appointment of a Hazmat specialist company (service provider) to undertake the clean-up and rehabilitation of the Lichtenburg (Biesiesvlei) waste tyre depot after the fire incident for a period of six (06) months

Compulsory briefing session

Date: 11 July 2024
Time: 11:00 – 13:00
Venue: Plot 15 Biesiesvlei, Lichtenburg, Ditsobotla Local Municipality, Northwest Province
GPS Coordinates: 26°23'35.4"S 25°53'50.3"E-26.393152°, 25.897306
View » the map

RFQ000882 Appointment of a service provider to supply and delivery of office furniture to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000881 Appointment of a service provider to supply and delivery of office furniture to the DFFE / MLRF
DFFE-T011 (2024/2025) Appointment of the service provider to develop a green procurement strategy for construction and demolition (C & D) waste in South Africa for a period of twelve (12) months
RFQ000884 Appointment of a service provider to provide histopathology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnostic testing services for aquatic organisms
DFFE-T015 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to render technical and quality assurance services in respect of the DFFE procurement processes for a period of 36 months.

Compulsory briefing session will be held as follows:

Date: 15 July 2024
Time: 10:00 - 11:30
Platform: Ms Teams | Join the meeting now

dffet015.24.25_addendum.pdf (122.92 KB)
DFFE-RFQ004 (2024/2025) Appointment of a suitable independent service provider to conduct accredited NQF level 5 Peace Officer Training for forest officers and fire protection officers over two (2) consecutive weeks annually in three (3) consecutive years


Bidders should note that enquiries will only be allowed at least 7 days before the tender closes.

DFFE – T016 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to compile an inventory of chemicals in products, identify hazards and associated risks, and develop a management action plan for South Africa on children’s products: shoes (0 to 12 years), pacifiers (dummies), feeding bottles, teething toys, bath toys, nappies, and baby cosmetics for a period of twenty-four (24) months.
DFFE-RFQ000885 (2024/2025) Request to appoint a service provider to supply consumable for Directorate: Fisheries Protection Vessel's for the officials.
DFFE-RFQ000892 (2024/2025) Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver of 100 chlorine of lime for 12 proclaimed fishing harbours.
DFFE-RFQ000894 (2024/2025) Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver 300kg squid and 300kg pilchards.
DFFE-RFQ000889 (2024/2025) Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver of PPE for 12 proclaimed fishing harbours.
DFFE-RFQ000886 (2024/2025) Request to appoint a service provider to provide specialised permitting administrative services.
RFQ000890 Request to appoint a service provider to remove and replace the faulty latch and strike for freezer/ cold storage for East London Office
RFQ 000891 Request to appoint a service provider to supply laboratory chemicals and consumables
RFQ000888 Appointment of a service provider to render maintenance services of the thermo scientific automatic stainer and thermo scientific microtome to the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000887 Appointment of a service provider to conduct emotional intelligence training for 17 staff members for a period of 4 days for the DFFE / MLRF
RFQ000896 Appointment of a service provider to supply consumable goods for inshore abalone in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached annexure A
RFQ000895 Appointment of a service provider to repair and install data points for a once off period
RFQ000898 Appointment of a service provider to supply standard anchor T-Bar tags (type TBA) for inshore west coast rock lobster in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached annexure A
RFQ000899 Appointment of a service provider to render armed response to electronic intruder detection alarm systems at twelve proclaimed fishing harbours and the Paarden Eiland Office for a period of 12 months
RFQ000901 Appointment of a service provider for printing of books for inshore abalone in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached annexure A
RFQ000897 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver consumables
RFQ000900 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver hatchery materials and consumables
RFQ 000902 Request to appoint a service provider to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to repair and calibrate Palintest Photometer
DFFE-T009 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to design, develop and implement a nationwide comprehensive South African Atmospheric Emission Licensing And Inventory Portal (SAAELIP) as an online platform for the management of atmospheric emission licences as well as the estimation, compilation, and reporting of atmospheric emission inventories for the Republic of South Africa over a period of five years

WITHDRAWN | Notice of tender advertisement withdrawal

dffet009.24.25_atmosphericemissionlicensingportal_withdrawal_0.pdf (28.92 KB)
RFQ000903 Request to appoint a service provider to supply software for redacting documents in accordance with the POPIA Act.
RFQ000904 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver 4 x 2 Phenoxyethanol Veterinary / Pharmaceutical Grade.
RFQ000905 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver printing of invoice books.
MLRF206/24 Appointment of a service provider to facilitate the establishment of local co-management structures for small-scale fisheries sector in Eastern Cape for a period not exceeding 24 months.
DFFEQ 041 CPT (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider for service and repairs of forklifts
DFFEQ 041 CPT Perform major service and repairs on Mitsubishi Forklift (s/n: MH1812012)
RFQ 000906 Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver water quality test kits and aerator for oxygen for the ATDC Nursery Gariep Dam, Free State
RFQ000909 Appointment of a service provider to supply and delivery filter cartridges for the re-circulating system
RFQ000908 Appointment of a service provider to supply and delivery printer cartridges
RFQ000907 Appointment of a service provider to supply and delivery cotton traditional canvas seat covers by Escape Gear or equivalent
RFQ000910 Appointment of appoint a service provider to supply and deliver 3 x precision digital balances
RFQ000913 Appointment of appoint a service provider to supply and deliver toilet seats at Sea Point Research Aquarium
RFQ000912 Appointment of appoint a service provider to supply and deliver first aid kits, reflective vests, anti-fungal shoe spray, fire blankets, whistles and padlocks for occupational health and safety purpose at Sea Point Research Aquarium
RFQ000911 Appointment of appoint a service provider to supply and deliver diving protective gear for inshore net fish in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached Annexure A
FQ000914 Request to appoint a service provider to provide histopathology and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) diagnostic testing services for aquatic organisms.
RFQ 000911 Request to appoint a service provider to supply diving protective gear for inshore net fish in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached Annexure A
RFQ 000912 Request to appoint a service provider to supply first aid kits, reflective vests, anti-fungal shoe spray, fire blankets, whistles and padlocks for occupational health and safety purpose at Sea Point Research Aquarium.
RFQ 000913 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to supply toilet seats to sea aquarium.
RFQ000916 Request to appoint a service provider to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to render armed response to electronic intruder detection alarm systems at twelve Proclaimed Fishing Harbour and the Paarden Eiland Office for a period of 12 months.
RFQ 042 DFFEQ CPT Refurbishment of custom Cargo Containers
RFQ000917 Request to appoint a service provider to undertake testing services of veterinary and environmental residues in cultured freshwater finfish for a period of six (6) months
MLRF207/24 Appoint a service provider to assist the DFFE / MLRF to conduct a socio-economic study of the west coast rock lobster, abalone, hake handline, oyster, and white mussel fisheries in South Africa for a period of twelve (12) months.

A virtual non-compulsory briefing session

Date: 27 August 2024
Time: 10:00

Link can be requested from 
MS Teams details are as follows:
Meeting ID: 35 128 784 069
Passcode: TtD29N

DFFE-CPT RFQ-040 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to undertake the outstanding tasks of the Ocean Economy Master Plan, including consolidation of the implementation plan for a period of six (06) months dffecpt_rfq040.2425addendum_0.pdf (2.58 MB) , dffecpt_rfq040.24.25_annexure.pdf (5.05 MB)
RFQ 000919 Request to appoint a service provider to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver Laptop.
RFQ 000918 Request to appoint a service provider to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver Laboratory Chemicals.
RFQ 005 The appointment of a professional service provider to investigate the decline of timber plantations in South Africa for a period of six (6) months.

Non-Compulsory Briefing Session: 9

th of September 2024 at 10:00 - 12:00 

Venue: Department Of Forestry, Fisheries And The Environment, 110 Hamilton Building, First Floor Board Room, 110 Hamilton Street, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0081

Briefing Minutes DFFE - RFQ005.pdf (172.27 KB)
RFQ 000923 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver trawl netting and polysteel rope.
RFQ 000920 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE /MLRF) to supply and deliver Laboratory Consumables.
RFQ 000922 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply consumable goods.
RFQ 000921 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to render office frosting services.
RFQ 000924 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver Smart Glow Loading Dye with stain for Nucleic Acid Gels.
RFQ 000925 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver consumables for Norovirus test method validation.
RFQ 000926 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to service a Vivid Air Class II Biohazard Safety Cabinet
RFQ 000927 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply consumable goods for inshore abalone in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached Annexure A
RFQ 000928 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply consumable goods for inshore net fish in Cape Town or surrounding areas as per attached Annexure A
RFQ 000929 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver Qiagen Kits.
RFQ 000930 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to render service of a business analysis for 80 hours per month for 1 year.
MLRF208/24 To appoint a service provider for the processing of confiscated abalone on behalf of the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund {MLRF) for a period of thirty-six months.

Physical Compulsory Briefing Session: 2nd of September 2024 at 10:00.

MLRF208:24 Addendum.pdf (102.84 KB)
RFQ 000931 To appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the department (DFFE) / marine living resources fund (MLRF) for supply and delivery MP Biomedicals Lysing Matrix D
RFQ 000888 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply maintenance services of the Thermo-Scientific Automated Stainer and the Thermo-Scientific Microtome and provide the delivery thereof to the Sea Point Aquarium
RFQ-DFFE 044 CPT (24-25) Appointment of service provider for reconditioning of 24000 Palfinger crane
RFQ-DFFE 045 CPT (24-25) Appointment of service provider for major repairs on walk-in freezers
RFQ-DFFE 046 CPT (24-25) Appointment of service provider to supply snowmobile spares
RFQ000933 Request for quotations to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver furniture
DFFEQ 047 CPT Quotation in respect of customs clearing, forwarding, stevedoring and/or loading/off-loading for the Department of Environmental Affairs Sanae (Antarctica) Relief Voyage
DFFEQ 048 CPT Please provide RFQ for the meat required for the annual Sanae (Antarctica) 2024/2025 Relief Voyage
DFFEQ 049 CPT Click on description
DFFE-T017 (2024/2025) For the enlistment of a panel of five (05) events management companies to provide events management services, stakeholder engagement, and outreach campaigns to the department of forestry, fisheries and the environment for a period of Thirty-three (36 months) on “an as and when required basis”

Non-Compulsory briefing session information: 

Date: 26 September 2024 
Time: 11:00 AM-12:00 PM 
Platform: Microsoft Teams (Join the meeting now)

DFFE T017 Minutes for Briefing Session.pdf (162.12 KB)
DFFEQ 050 CPT (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver white mussels
RFQ 000935 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to render services of high pressure cleaning on intake line 1 & 2, pressure clean cages and waste line at the Marine Research Aquarium.
DFFEQ 051 CPT (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider for communications network
RFQ 000936 Request to appoint service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) monthly pest control services at the Research Aquarium for a period of 36 months
DFFE-T018 (24/25) Appointment of a service provider to conduct occupational health and safety training for a period of six (06) months

Non-compulsory briefing session will be held as follows: 
Date: 04 October 2024 
Time: 10:00am - 12:00 pm
Platform: Ms Teams link: Join the meeting now

DFFE-SITA003 (24-25) Appointment of the professional service provider for the renewal of Mimecast email security services with support for a period of five (05)years using the SITA transversal contract – RFB 1183

NB: please note that only bidders who accredited with SITA transversal contract – RFB 1183 will be considered.

DFFEQ 052 CPT (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider for food supplies (for export) required for the annual SANAE (Antarctica) 2024 - 2025 relief voyage
DFFEQ054 (2024 - 2025) Supply and deliver branding services
DFFEQ053 (2025 - 2025) Service and repair of snowmobile
RFQ000940 Request to a service provider (sp) for wetsuits
RFQ000939 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) for the inastallation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Arniston Proclaimed Fishing in the department for a period of (12) months
RFQ000938 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) for the inastallation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Helena Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour in the department for a period of (12) months
RFQ000941 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) for the inastallation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Laaiplek Proclaimed Fishing Harbour in the department for a period of (12) months
RFQ055 Supply and deliver MIMS Data Rescue
DFFEQ056 (2024 - 2025) Supply and deliver PPE
RFQ006 (2024-2025) The appointment of a suitable independent service provider to manage the environmental crimes and incidents hotline for the department for period of sixty (60) months.

Non-Compulsory Briefing
Date: Wednesday, 23rd of October 2024
Time: 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Link: Microsoft Teams (Join the meeting now)

Minutes for the non-compulsory information session for DFFE-RFQ006 (24-25): The appointment of a suitable independent service pr (182.98 KB)
RFQ 000942 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE)/MLRF to supply and deliver RAS Air Pumps and Diaphrams for Gariep ATDC in Free State
RFQ000943 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF to supply and deliver six (6) specialised laptops and associated equipment, two (2) specialised desktops with GIS screen with associated equipment, five (5) normal desktops with screen monitors and associated equipment and eight (8) specialised desktops with associated equipment for officials in the directorate, Offshore Resources Research (ORR)
RFQ000944 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE)/MLRF for the installation of alarm system and rendering of armed response at Hermanus Proclaimed Fishing Harbour for a period of twelve (12) months
RFQ000945 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver sanitising consumables
RFQ000917 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the department (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to undertake the services of veterinary and environmental residues in cultured freshwater Finfish
RFQ000946 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) for the installation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Still Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbours for a period of (12) months
RFQ000947 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) for the installation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Lamberts Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbours for a period of (12) months
RFQ000937 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (SP) for advanced fish farmer and aquaponics course
RFQ000948 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the department (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and delivery of first aid refresher course (Level 3)
RFQ000949 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and delivery of stationery
RFQ000950 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) to render armed response to electronic intruder detection alarm systems at the Struisbaai Proclaimed Fishing Harbour in the department (DFFE) for a period of (12) months
RFQ000951 To appoint a service provider (sp) for the installation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Parden Eiland Office in the department for a period of (12) months
RFQ000952 To appoint a service provider (sp) for the installation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Hout Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour in the department for a period of (12) months
RFQ000953 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE)/MLRF for the installation of alarm systems and render armed response at the Saldana Bay Proclaimed Fishing Harbour for a period of (12) months
RFQ000954 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE)/MLRF to install and monitor an intruder alarm system with armed response and remote monitoring of the current CCTV camera system for 24 months at the Marine Research Aquarium, Sea Point
RFQ000955 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the Department (DFFE)/MLRF to Translate Draft Policies on Transfer of Commercial Fishing Rights and Fish Process Establishment from English into three (3) Coastal Languages (Afrikaans, lsiXhosa and lsiZulu)
DFFE-T019 (2024-2025) To establish a panel of supplier(s) per province within the inland region/cluster: Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State, Gauteng, Northern Cape, and Northwest for the supply and delivery of stationery for the department (DFFE) for a period of twenty-four (24) months
RFQ000956 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE) /MLRF for the Installation of Alarm System and render Armed response at the Gordons's Bay Proclaimed Fishing Habour for a period of twelve (12) months
MLRF211/24 (2024 - 2025) To appoint an independent service provider to conduct a baseline benthic survey and specialist monitoring on behalf of the DFFE/MLRF in compliance with the stipulations in the Operational Phase Marine Ecology Monitoring and the Environmental management Programme for the sea-based aquaculture development zone located within Algoa Bay in the Eastern Cape for a period of 36 months

Briefing session
A virtual compulsory briefing session will be held on the 24th of October 2024 (Thursday) at 10:00.
Link can be requested from MLRFTENDERS@DFFE.GOV.ZA

Meeting ID: 316 927 276 965
Passcode: kvfqcG

DFFE-T020 (2024-2025) The appointment of a service provider to provide personnel security checks screening services for a period of five (5) years on an “as and when required basis”
RFQ000957 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the department (DFFE)/ Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to repair rotating drum filter at Sea Point Aquarium
RFQ000958 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (sp) to provide the department (DFFE)/ Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) with the supply and deliver IQ SYBR Green Supermix
RFQ000961 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE)/MLRF with maintenance dredging services that will result in the deepening of the harbour basin and operational slipways at the Struisbaai proclaimed fishing harbour
RFQ000962 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the Fisheries Management branch of the department (DFFE)/MLRF to supply and deliver Kapa TAQ readymix for the Aquatic Animal Health Group
RFQ000959 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to service blowers, this includes mechanical and electrical (also to supply for the job undertaken) ensuring units are fully operational
RFQ000960 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide catering for an upcoming workshop to be held in Driekoppies dam (Mpumalanga Province, Inkomazi Local Municipality)
MLRF210/24 The appointment of a service provider to design, develop and implement an online solution to capture catch return/statistics including data migration and integration for six (6) different fisheries sectors within 36 months using SITA transversal contract 1183.

A virtual compulsory briefing session will be held on the 22nd of October 2024 (Tuesday) @ 10:00.
Link can be requested from MLRFTENDERS@DFFE.GOV.ZA

MS Teams are as folllows:
Meeting ID: 337 025 832 882
Passcode: qxBb3f

Extension of closing date for MLRF210/24 (86.42 KB)
DFFE-T021 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a professional service provider to conduct capacity-building interventions for post-settlement support for a period of eight (08) months
RFQ000964 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver consumable goods.
DFFE-T022 (24-25) The appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and offload materials to support separation at source covering eight (08) metropolitan municipalities for a period of three (03) months
RFQ000965 (2024 – 2025) To appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the department (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for the servicing of eleven (11) heat pumps at the sea point marine research aquarium
RFQ000966 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to service compressors, this includes mechanical and electrical (also to supply for the job undertaken) ensuring unites are fully operational
RFQOOO967 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide digitilisation services of old historic Fisheries photographs for the Gilchrist Library
RFQ000963 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for supply and delivery of consumables
RFQ000968 Appointment of a service provider to render biotoxin testing services for abalone
DFFEQ056 (2024 - 2025) Quotation in respect of customs clearing, forwarding, stevedoring and/or loading/off-loading for the department (DFFE)/SANAE (Antarctica) relief voyage.
DFFE-T024 (2024 - 2025) For the appointment of a hazardous materials (HAZMAT) specialist company (service provider) to provide a turnkey solution for the clean-up and rehabilitation of the Lichtenburg (Biesiesvlei) Waste Tyre Depot following a fire incident

Compulsory briefing session information:

Date: 13 November 2024
Time: 11:00AM-12:00PM
Platform: Microsoft Teams Join the meeting now

dffet024.24.25_briefingminutes.pdf (309.47 KB)
RFQ000969 (B) (2024 - 2025) Appointment of a service provider to render of servicing of the 7th floor gas suppression system-hygood 155lt with 126kg decant pressure test and refill
RFQ000970 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service provider to supply and deliver uniform (PPE) for Cape Town, Durban, East London, Port Elizabeth and West Coast
RFQ000971 (2024 - 2025) To appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the department (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for the supply and delivery of virtual meetings conferencing system at 110 Hamilton Building, Pretoria
RFQ000975 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint service provider (SP) to provide the fisheries branch of the department (DFFE) / MLRF to supply and deliver various models of Speck or Similar water circulation pumps and ACP20 Royal submersible pumps with flow controllers
DFFE-T023 (2024 - 2025) Appointment of a service provider (sp) for the supply and delivery of fruit and indigenous ornamental trees in the provinces of Northwest, Northern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Limpopo, Eastern Cape And Western Cape for use in the two million trees per annum programme of the department for the period of twenty (24) months.

There will be non-compulsory briefing session and the details are as follows: 
Date: 14 November 2024
Time: 10H00 to 11H00
Venue: Join the meeting now

dffet023.24.25briefingminutes.pdf (315.75 KB)
RFQ000972 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service (SP) to conduct sequencing services for the AAH Group
RFQ000973 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service (SP) to supply meat mincer – No. 12 – 120kg/h – silver (Aloma or similar)
RFQ000974 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint service provider (SP) to provide the fisheries branch of the department (DFFE) / MLRF to supply and deliver stationery.
RFQ000976 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint service provider (SP) to provide the fisheries branch of the department (DFFE) / MLRF to supply and delivery of consumable goods for Inshore Abalone
RFQ000978 (2024 - 2025) Request to appoint a service (SP) to supply and install 2 x Hisense (or similar) wall split 36000 Btu/hr Inverter Air Conditioner (Wi-Fi Compatible)
RFQ000979 (2024 – 2025) Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply consumable goods for Inshore West Coast Rock Lobster in Cape Town or surrounding areas, as per attached Annexure A
RFQ000977 (2024 – 2025) To appoint a service provider (SP) to provide the department (DFFE)/Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) with personal safety technique training to four (4) officials
RFQ000980 Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery office furniture
RFQ000981 Appointment of a service provider for delivery backup tapes for the Tape Library. Please note that only Western Cape service providers will be considered
RFQ000983 Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of re-calculating aquaculture system filter pumps and related consumables
RFQ000986 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver personal protective equipment (PPE)
RFQ000988 Appointment of a service provider for annual subscription of Sabinet online services for the Gilchrist Library 2024/25
RFQ000989 Appointment of a service provider for printing of log books rfq000989annexA.pdf (567.5 KB)
RFQ000987 Appointment of a service provider to supply aquaculture system components and fittings
RFQ000983 Appointment of a service provider to render repair service and maintenance of small craft for inshore west coast rock lobster.
RFQ000984 Appointment of a service provider for monitoring ad hoc processing of confiscated dried abalone
DFFE-T026 (2024/2025) The appointment of a service provider to coordinate the implementation of the National Forest Pests and Diseases Programme as supported by the Integrated National Forest Protection Strategy and Research and Development Strategy for a period of five (05) years

There will be a non-compulsory briefing session:

Date: 22nd of November 2024
Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Platform: Microsoft Teams (Join the meeting now)

DFFE-T026 non-compulsory session minutes.pdf (296.76 KB)
DFFE-T025 (2024 - 2025) The enlistment of a panel of service providers to provide an AD HOC Fraud Risk Management (Forensic Investigation, Fraud Prevention, and Detection Services on an “As And When” required basis to the department (DFFE) for a period of sixty months (60) based on annual performance reviews
RFQ000990 Appointment of a service providers to supply toilet roll holders, hand paper towel dispensers and dustbins at Sea Point Aquarium
RFQ000991 Appointment of a service provider to supply and deliver cleaning consumables
DFFE-T027 (2024/2025) Appointment of provincial panels of service providers (depot operators) to manage waste tyre depots for the DFFE on an “as and when” required basis for a period of 24 month

There will be a non-compulsory briefing session:

Date: 02 December 2024
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 am 
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

dffet027.24.25_annexA.pdf (1.21 MB) , DFFE -T027 briefing minutes_0.pdf (150.95 KB)
DFFE-T028 (2024/2025) Appointment of a service provider for leasing 37 waste tyre depots within various municipalities for the temporary storage and pre-processing of waste tyres for the Waste Bureau for a period of seven years

There will be a non-compulsory briefing session:

Date: 02 December 2024
Time: 12:30 am – 13:30 am 
Platform: Microsoft Teams | Join the meeting now

Consent and Indemnity Form (119.23 KB)
RFQ000992 To appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) /Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) for the supply and delivery of forty-one (41) diaries
RFQ000993 To appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) /Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) to supply binding and restoration services of library journals and books for the Gilchrist Library
RFQ000994 The department (DFFE) /Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) requires services of a service provider to provide histology services
RFQ000997 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to supply diaries for 2025
RFQ000995 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to supply stationary for a period 2024/2025
RFQ000996 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to service the transfer pumps 1 and 2 at the Marine Research Aquarium-Sea Point
RFQ000998 Request to appoint a service provider to provide the department (DFFE) / Marine Living Resources Fund (MLRF) with sand removal services on the boat ramp/slipway and breakwater wall at the Struisbaai Proclaimed Fishing Harbour.
RFQ0001003 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply service of removal of frozen fish waste from vessel.
RFQ0001002 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver service and calibration of plate reader.
RFQ0001001 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver service and calibration of plate reader.
RFQ0001000 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to supply and deliver electrical consumables for fitment of instant geysers.
RFQ000999 Request to appoint a service provider (SP) to provide advanced management development program (Coaching and effective personal productivity leadership program) for one official.
RFQ0001004 Request to appoint a service provider (sp) to supply laboratory consumables
Bid no. Closing Date and Time Description Bidder Date Published
DEV 24/25 D005 Approval to deviate from normal competitive procurement processes for the appointment of the National School of Government (NSG) for the facilitation of the leading change programme as a sole provider National School of Government (NSG). Amount: R93,495.00
DFFE-DIV 24-25 D001 Request for approval to appoint Government Printing Works (GPW) for a period of 36 months Government Printing Works (GPW). Amount: R 7,600,000.00
SCM224074 Request to appoint Institute of Future Research to subscribe and annually renew the same subscription to The Core Horizon Scanning Services for a period of three (3) years University of Stellenbosch. Amount: R 230,293.25
DIV 23/24 D024 The appointment of Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre as the venue to host the Biodiversity Indaba Summit on 24 - 26 March 2024. Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Centre. Amount: R3,698,859.00


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