General published reasons (GPR) for decisions on appeals
2024 | |
Date | Description |
08 October 2024 | |
2021 | |
Date | Description |
28 December 2021 | Provisional general published reasons for the decisions on appeal in the horse mackerel fishery [PDF - 657 kb] |
22 December 2021 | General published reasons for decisions on appeals: hake inshore trawl sector, FRAP 2015/2016 [PDF - 6.26 mb] |
2019 | |
Date | Description |
06 February 2019 | General published reasons for the decisions on appeal white shark cage diving (WSCD) non-consumptive sector [PDF - 4.47 mb] |
Appeals lodged
Appeals reports
West coast rock lobster: reports in terms of Regulation 5(3) of the regulations promulgated unde the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998): Appeal in terms of section 80 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998):
- WCNF150327: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Andrew Petrus Johannes De Klerk [PDF - 305 kb]
- WCOM153480: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, Bubesi Fishing (Pty) LTD [PDF - 2 mb]
- WCNB15573: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery, Calvin Moses Van der Heever [PDF - 770.32 kb]
- WCOM153482: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, Cape Reef Products (Pty) LTD [PDF 2.17 mb]
- WCND151096: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Cecil Mzamo Mvayi [PDF - 630.17 kb]
- WCNF150716: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Chadwick Joel Gillion [PDF - 339 kb]
- WCND150112 West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Deborah Magdalena Mary Thebus [PDF - 537 kb]
- WCNB15178: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Deidre Elvona van Wyk [PDF - 708.15 kb]
- WCNE150309: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone E), Deon Bester [PDF - 323.54 kb]
- WCNF150982: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Desmond Clemont Brian Makka [PDF - 860.83 kb]
- WCNB15625: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Desmond Pedro Adams [PDF - 766.52 kb]
- WCNE150615: West Coast Rock Lobster Nearshore Fishery (Zone E), Spinach John Nkunzana [PDF - 1.03 mb]
- WCND151252: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Donovan Du Preez [94.35 kb]
- WCNF152332: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Dorethea Sarie November [593.49 kb]
- WCOM152163: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, Dromedaris Vissery Ltd [135.66 kb]
- WCND151098: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Elcot Dyantyi [521.11 kb]
- WCNA15316: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, Elias De Klerk
- WCNB15209: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Estelle Rachel Heyns [729. 92 kb]
- WCNF150545: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Gail Cornelius [309.74 kb]
- WCNE150668: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone E), Galiema Baderoen [659.18 kb]
- WCNF151629: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Gavin Harold Pietersen [3374. 19 kb]
- WCNB15572: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Gert Saulus Simon [670. 27 kb]
- WCNF152492: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Gregory Pretorius [362.11 kb]
- WCNB15209: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Heidi lillian Pietersen [PDF - 1.24 MB]
- WCND150646: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Hendrik Boois [520.73 kb]
- West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone C), Hendrina van Hooi
- WCNB15209: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, lnkosi Keta Marine (Pty) Ltd CC [PDF - 1.51 MB]
- WCNA15314: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery, lsmael Hermanus Saal [794.01 kb]
- WCND150214: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Jabian Arries [516.85 kb]
- WCNA15439: West coast rock lobster, Jacqueline Leggett [554.69 kb]
- WCNE150682: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone C), Jaliel Keyser [799.78 kb]
- WCND151185: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), James Hendricks [679.64 kb]
- WCNB151016: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Jan Willem Dirks [676.55 kb]
- WCNF151336: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Jerome Curbon Figaji [318.13 kb]
- WCNE150601: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone E), Johannes Lakey [710.11 kb]
- WCOM153484: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, Karbonkelberg Marine CC [PDF - 2.08 MB]
- WCND150916: West coast rock lobster nearshore fishery (Zone B), Kevin Woodward [738.98 kb]
- WCOM153510: West coast rock lobster offshore fishery, Konsortium Kreefbelange (Pty) Ltd [PDF - 2.38 MB]
Exclusions: West coast rock lobster (offshore): reports in terms of Regulation 5(3) of the regulations promulgated unde the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998): Appeal in terms of section 80 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998):
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for being co-operatives [PDF - 143.83 kb]
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for non-disclosure of MLRA violations [PDF - 253.35 kb]
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded category A applicants for scoring below 60% threshold [PDF - 265.02 kb]
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded category B applicants as the category is not allowed in the west coast rock lobster offshore fishery [PDF -
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded category C applicants for scoring below 50% threshold [PDF - 502.60 kb]
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded: paper quota risk appicants [PDF - 210.94 kb]
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for failure to sign / commission the application forms [PDF - 185.04 kb]
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for submitting materially defective applications in that they provided false information [PDF - 132.35 kb]
West coast rock lobster (nearshore)
West coast rock lobster zone A appeals
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants older than 65 years of age to become successful applicants [PDF - 185 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants who are mediacally unfit to become successful applicants [PDF - 185 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow category B and C new entrants to become successful applicants [PDF - 293 kb]
West coast rock lobster zone B appeals
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for failure to sign their 2015/16 application form for fishing rights ("application form") and the failure of one (1) appellant to both sign and commission her application form [PDF 181 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants older than 65 years of age to become successful applicants [PDF 213 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants who are mediacally unfit to become successful applicants [PDF 651 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow category B and C new entrants to become successful applicants [PDF 861 kb]
- West coast rock lobster zone B appeals excluded for non-disclosure of MLRA violations [PDF 261 kb]
West coast rock lobster zone C appeals
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for failure to sign their 2015/16 application form for fishing rights ("application form") and the failure of one (1) appellant to both sign and commission her application form [PDF 178 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants older than 65 years of age to become successful applicants [PDF 238 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants who are mediacally unfit to become successful applicants [PDF 317 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow category B and C new entrants to become successful applicants [PDF 434 kb]
- West coast rock lobster zone C appeals excluded for non-disclosure of MLRA violations [PDF 177 kb]
West coast rock lobster zone D appeals
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for failure to sign their 2015/16 application form for fishing rights ("application form") and the failure of one (1) appellant to both sign and commission her application form [PDF 191 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow category B and C new entrants to become successful applicants [PDF 2 716 kb]
- West coast rock lobster zone D appeals excluded for non-disclosure of MLRA violations [PDF 174 kb]
West coast rock lobster zone E appeals
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for failure to sign their 2015/16 application form for fishing rights ("application form") and the failure of one (1) appellant to both sign and commission her application form [PDF 186 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants older than 65 years of age to become successful applicants [PDF 186 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow category E and C new entrants to become successful applicants [PDF 395 kb]
West coast rock lobster zone F appeals
- West coast rock lobster offshore appeals excluded for failure to sign their 2015/16 application form for fishing rights ("application form") and the failure of one (1) appellant to both sign and commission her application form [PDF 565 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow applicants older than 65 years of age to become successful applicants [PDF 2 278 kb]
- Delegated authority’s decision not to allow category B and C new entrants to become successful applicants [PDF 1 822 kb]
- West coast rock lobster zone B appeals excluded for non-disclosure of MLRA violations [PDF 581 kb]
West coast rock lobster zone G
Demersal shark sector: reports in terms of Regulation 5(3) of the regulations promulgated under the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998): Appeal in terms of section 80 of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998):
- DMS130145: G&K Fisheries CC [PDF - 877 kb]
- DMS 130147: Dragon Fish Fisherman CC [PDF - 383.16 kb]
- DMS 130184: JNC Fishing (Pty) LTD [PDF - 359.59 kb]
- DMS 130185: Hacky Fishing (Pty) LTD [PDF - 996.44 kb]
- DMS 130219: Cape Town Harbour Fisherman’s Community Trust [PDF - 486.4 kb]
- DMS 130228: Overberg Commercial Abalone Divers LTD [PDF - 473.88 kb]
- DMS 130243: Villet Dewet 100 CC [PDF - 366.42 kb]
- DMS 130322: Khoi Groep 13 Services Co-operative [PDF - 496 kb]
- DMS 130349: Yellow Star Trading 1154 (Pty) LTD [PDF - 405 kb]
- DMS 130359: BEVCON General Trading (Pty) LTD [PDF - 368.69 kb]
- DMS 130360: New Horizon Primary Fishing [PDF - 435.47 kb]
- DMS 130457: GOAPRO (Pty) LTD [PDF - 365.59 kb]
- DMS 130569: Ulwandle Fishing (Pty) LTD [PDF - 829.17 kb]
- DMS 130574: Mbotho Fishing [PDF - 380.08 kb]
- DMS 130590: FINECORP Trading 113 (Pty) LTD [PDF - 274.9 kb]
- DMS 130605: Ubuhle Bezwe Holdings (Pty) LTD [PDF - 380.82 kb]
- DMS 130737: Collin Govender [PDF - 417.05 kb]
- DMS 130806: Tshatshu Seafood Industry [PDF - 400.07 kb]
- DMS 130809: Mnyama Women Commerical Fishing Enterprise (Pty) LTD [PDF - 389.09 kb]
- DMS 130901: Coalition Trading 672 CC [PDF - 383.87
- DMS 130916: Trade Factor 16 (Pty) LTD [PDF - 424.14 kb]
White mussels
- White mussel appeals lodged by appellants domiciled within the City of Cape Town: appeal rejected because it is too weak to justify [PDF - 288.09 kb]
- White mussel appeals lodged by appellants domiciled outside the jurisdiction of the west coast and the City of Cape Town: appeal rejected because it is too weak to justify [PDF - 401.79]
- White mussel appeals lodged by appellants domiciled along the west coast harvesting zones 2,3,4,5,6, and 7: appeal rejected because it is too weak to justify [PDF - 413.09 kb]