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The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, its entities and programmes produce and contribute to a variety of publications, with a view to keep the public informed and engaged on environmental issues.


Environment Quarterly Editions

Environment Quarterly is the stakeholder publication of the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment. The publication aims to keep stakeholders including the public, researchers and policy makers in the environment sector up to date with the programmes, events and legislation driven by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment.


Jan 2025: COP29 Achievements after 12 days of achievement
COP29 outcomes - step in the right direction
Dec 2024: DM honors women in Environment
Deputy Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms Bernice Swarts has lauded women pioneers in environmental management for their critical role in conservation and community empowerment.

September - October 2024: National Arbor Month: 30 Years of of Environmental Stability

September is Arbor Month in South Africa. It's when we raise awareness about the importance of trees, and encourage South Africans to protect indigenous forests and prevent veld fires...

June - July 2024: DFFE welcomes new leadership

It is our distinct pleasure to extend a heartfelt welcome to the newly appointed Minister, Dr Dion George and the Deputy Ministers, Ms Bernice Swarts and Mr Narend Singh...

April - May 2024: 30 Years of Wetland Conservation

This year, South Africa celebrates 30 Years of Democracy, and along with it, the biologically diverse natural assets such as wetlands...

March 2024: Building South Africa’s sustainable fisheries

An education resource to deepen your knowledge and understanding the massive contribution to our fishing sector to our daily lives..

Jan - Feb 2024: Spotlight on CoP28 

South Africa welcomes the landmark decision to adopt a Global Goal on Adaptation here at the COP 28 at the Dubai Climate Change conference.
Nov - Dec 2023: Advancing towards a greener South Africa
Forestry sector contributes about 150 000 jobs across the country which goes some way in alleviating unemployment while caring for our environment. 
September - October 2023: Buchu Agreement makes history
History was made at the first African Biotrade Festival (ABF) when the Buchu Agreement was signed by the National Khoisan Council, South African San Council and the Buchu industry at the Sandton Convention Centre.
June - July 2023: SA Firefighters help Canada
WoF provided the bulk of the firefighting resources and was made up of 485 firefighters in 22 teams. The firefighters convened in Knysna to provide much-needed firefighting assistance to local fire authorities.

April - May 2023: Minister and Deputy Minister table Budget Vote 2023/24

The past years were exciting as we travelled the length and breadth of this Republic to tell the story of our department from the ground, visiting various schools and town halls to ramp up public education and awareness employing various outreach tactics, while also ensuring that our various stakeholders are afforded a reciprocal communication opportunity.

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January - February 2023: South Africa plays a critical role in CoP15
Two years after being delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic, countries convened in Montreal, Canada for United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity’s CoP15. South Africa played a significant role in the negotiations; co-chairing several working groups including resource mobilisation and ABS from DSI.
November - December 2022: Battle to save the rhino continues
More good news in the environment came from Anglo Platinum's donation of four Bat Hawk aircrafts to strengthen the fight against rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park. This serves as part of mining giant’s commitment to environmental protection and sustainability.
September - October 2022: CSIR receives laboratory equipment form Japan
Spring has sprung, which means that winter is out our way and it’s time to enjoy the warmer weather outside by visiting a botanical garden near you, a national park or a zoo for some outdoor family fun. Top of the environmental calendar this new season is the Arbor Month campaign.
July - August 2022: Celebrating inspiring women in Forestry and Fisheries
The month of August always brings with it numerous observances around the globe and top of our list in South Africa is Women’s Month which focuses the nation’s attention on the empowerment, equality and influence of women in different levels and spheres of society.
April - June 2022: Act now against climate change
On 2 February, we celebrated World Wetlands Day. The theme this year, was ‘Wetlands Action for People and Nature’, drawing attention to the many ways in which wetlands are important for people and the economy.
February - March 2022: DFFE concludes Fishing Rights Allocation Process
It is an honour to welcome you to the first edition of Environment Quarterly in the financial year 2022/23. Durban marches for a greener future: When KwaZulu-Natal was hit by devastating weather storms in April this year, concerns around climate change and its impacts in the country grew to new levels.
January 2022: Wetlands Action for People and Nature
On 2 February, we celebrated World Wetlands Day. The theme this year, was ‘Wetlands Action for People and Nature’, drawing attention to the many ways in which wetlands are important for people and the economy.
October- November 2021: Greening for a less wasteful holiday season
COP26 sets the international community on the right track to addressing the existential challenge of climate change.”
September- October 2021: Protection of natural forest
The month of September marked
National Arbor Month, which was this
year launched on 1 September in the
City of uMhlathuze in KZN.

Newspaper and magazine supplements

Studying their way to the top
The department’s Bursary and Internship Programmes are transforming the lives of grateful graduates
Buidling a future of climate resilience
The recent release of the third of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) sixth assessment reports emphasises the global urgency of acting on mitigation.
Environmental budget reprioritised for post Covid-19 recovery
The Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries has been allocated R8.2 billion for the
2020/21 financial year to help in the implementation of our environmental programmes and post-lockdown economic recovery initiatives and programmes.
Barbara Creecy hands over historic fishing rights
Headlines: Barbara Creecy hands over historic fishing rights. Rooibos agreement is a victory for the Khoi Community. NBA launched to protect S A’s rich biodiversity. SA firefighters receive a hero’s welcome after combating Canadian fire.
Barbara Creecy is finding the right balancing act - Leadership supplement (August 2019)
Finding the right balance act: The task of balancing the acceleration of economic growth and transformation with the sustainable use of environmental resources is no small feat, but it is a task that newly appointed Minister of DEFF, Barbara Creecy is excited to take on.
Minister Creecy leads World Environment Day - Sowetan supplement (June 2019)
Learn about: What is Air Pollution?, What are the effects of air pollution?, A look at SA’s state of air quality in winter.

Newspaper Adverts

Multi-million waste fleet to wrestle municipal litter
Through its waste management fleet handover campaign, the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) has literally taken the fight against litter to the road. 
Carbon-free South Africa
South Africa is well on its way towards laying the foundation for a carbon-free society as part of a just transition. Electricity and financing of green projects are the pillars of this move.
Let's talk plastic pollution solutions
Experts in plastic waste management kicked off the plastic conference to discuss the impact of plastic waste on the environment and the challenges in eradicating this waste. Here is their take on what the problem is, what needs to be done, and what is being done.
South Africa increases network of Marine Protected Areas - Tiso Black Star

Booklets and brochures 

Forest Fun with Benny and Lindi

Trees can be divided into two groups based on how they change with the seasons. Evergreen trees keep their green leaves all year round. Deciduous trees lose their leaves in winter.

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Aquaculture Q and As
South Africa’s aquaculture industry currently consists of a limited range of marine and freshwater species of plants and animals. The industry provides approximately 6 000 tonnes per annum (2012, including seaweed), which is less than 1% of South Africa’s total marine wild catch.
Biodiversity economy: game meat
Game meat has been identified as one of the major role players in the wildlife economy. Not only does game meat promote opportunities for land-use planning, environmental management and agricultural planning but also supports economic growth..
Be an ocean guardian
Ocean animals come in almost every shape and size imaginable. Some are beautiful, others are funny looking. Some are predictable, others have strange habits and weird abilities.
Controlling Vehicles use in the Coastal Area
Control of the use of vehicles in the coastal area regulations, promulgated under National Environmental Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act no. 24 of 2008)
Mercury pollution
Once mercury is released into the atmosphere, mercury can travel hundreds of miles with the wind before being deposited on the earth's surface Mercury has a long – range atmospheric transport, and is persistent in the environment. Mercury has the ability to bio-accumulate in the ecosystem and up along the food chain.
South Africa is the home of the rhino: let's keep it that way!
Learn about: BLACK RHINO Africa’s smallest species of rhino, also known as the hook lipped rhino, WHITE RHINO Africa’s largest species of rhino.
Climate Change
Climate Change (or global warming, is the process of our planetheating up.
Waste is anything we throw away or get rid of, that doesn't get used
MzanSea: Revealing SA's Marine Ecosystem
The ocean is like a blue blanket that covers magical places and mysterious creatures. Just as there are forests, grasslands, fynbos and deserts on land, the ocean has many types of ecosystems. In this book we will explore some of them
National Arbor Month 2021
To date, the campaign has graduated to Arbor Month, which is a national campaign initiated to celebrate South Africa’s trees and to raise awareness about their importance.
Opportunities in the biomass economy: Invasive plants that could change your life
Now is the time for enviropreneurs to source and harvest the biomass of woody invasive alien trees and start a firewood, furniture, charcoal, timber or compost business.
Working for Wetlands
A wetland is defined in the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) as the land which is transitional between terrestrial and aquatic systems where the water table is usually at or near the surface, or the land is periodically covered with shallow water, and which land in normal circumstances supports or would support vegetation typically adapted to life in saturated soil.
Facts about Invasive Alien Plants
Learn about: •  Invasive Alien Plants such as water hyacinth and how they affect the capacity of dams and rivers in terms of water storage.
World Ozone Day

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer

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Posters and wall charts

Forest Fun - Let's learn about Trees
Trees are vital for our planet’s health, they provide us with clean air to breathe and aid in the fight against climate change amongst many other things.
National Arbor Month 2021
To date, the campaign has graduated to Arbor Month, which is a national campaign initiated to celebrate South Africa’s trees and to raise awareness about their importance.
Opportunities in the biomass economy: Invasive plants that could change your life
Did you know? An Alien Invasive Species is an organism that does not naturally grow or occur in an area. Which means it was brought in by accident on purpose.

Vulture is an endangered animal
Did you know? Vultures throughout the world are
the most threatened species of terrestrial birds. 


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