The Branch - Environmental Programmes (EP) is responsible for implementing the DFFE mandate through the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) approach. As a public employment intervention, the EPWP contributes towards addressing unemployment, poverty, and inequality. EP liaises with other branches of the department and, where possible, ensures the implementation of policy commitments through the labour-intensive EPWP approach. In its implementation activities, EP prioritises compliance with the
NATIONAL DEMOGRAPHIC TARGETS of 60% women, 55% youth and 2% people living with disabilities.
60% women
55% youth
2% people with disabilities
Both wildlife and bioprospecting sub-sectors have demonstrated potential for significant future development and growth where significant impact can be made on the national economy, while contributing to national imperatives such as job creation, rural development and conservation of our natural resources.
The Greening and Open Space Management (GOSM) focus area / sub-programme intends to strategically approach the issue of urban greening, greening at large and management of open spaces through ensuring that municipalities and departmental entities are assisted with open space management plans and the necessary financial support.
The programme provides a platform for conservation institutions across the country, communities affected by protected areas, potential funders, research institutions and non-governmental organisations to discuss issues of common interest under the theme "Conservation for the People by the People".
Working for Land (WfL) is all about encouraging and supporting sustainable land use practices, raising awareness and promoting resource conservation ethics. It is a sustainable resource utilisation programme based on community partnerships and cooperation. WfL also seeks to address issues of poverty through job creation.
Through the Working for The Coast (WfTC) Programme, the department aims to create access to pristine beaches and a well conserved coastline through these projects and bring about much needed revenue to the coastal towns and communities, whilst creating job opportunities in the tourism sector.
Biological invasions are amongst leading causes of global change they have had profound negative impacts on people and nature for centuries. To assist with reducing rates and impacts of invasive alien plants in South Africa. The use of biological control against invasive alien plants has been shown to have very high positive returns on investment.
The vision of the Working of Wetlands (WfW) Programme is to facilitate the protection, conservation, rehabilitation and sustainable use of wetlands in South Africa. This is conducted in a way that ensures poverty reduction through employment and skills development amongst vulnerable and marginalised groups.
Supports the prevention and control of wildland fires to enhance the sustainability and protection of life, poverty and the environment through the implementation of aspects of integrated fire management practices, which includes supporting fire protection associations under the National Veld and Forest Fire Act of 1998.
Working on Waste (WoW) focus area is intended to reduce the adverse effects of waste on human health, the environment, planetary resources, and aesthetics. The programme seeks to ensure that both social and ecological sustainability are achieved through implementation of sustainable waste management practices.
High youth unemployment negatively impacts economic growth and that cannot be ignored. The objective of the Youth Empowerment and Development (YED) model is to address youth unemployment through creation of temporary jobs and skills development opportunities, which intends to increase chances of youth employability.
The Branch - EP has four chief directorates that provide strategic leadership, oversight, and accountability with respect to the EP in all nine provinces of the country, with the following functions:
oversee and provide strategic leadership
oversee portfolio implementation
ensure operational efficiencies
ensure capacity and contractor development