Strategy and framework
Second National Action Programme for South Africa to Combat Desertification, Land Degradation and the effects of Drought
Desertification, land degradation and the effects of drought (DLDD) are challenges of global dimensions. They contribute to, and worsen economic, social and environmental problems such as poverty, poor health, lack of food security, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, reduced resilience to climate change and migration, amongst other things. The purpose of the NAP is to identify factors contributing to desertification, land degradation and drought as well as to implement practical measures necessary to combat desertification and to mitigate the effects of drought. To this end, the NAP sets out the respective roles of government, local communities and land users and also provides an indication of the resources that will be needed for its implementation.
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Status of Biological Invasions and their Management in South Africa (SBIMSA) in 2019 report
The status report constitutes an independent assessment of the status of biological invasions and their management in South Africa. The report is intended to inform the development and ongoing adaptation of appropriate policies and control measures, both to reduce the negative impacts of alien species on ecosystems, the economy, and people, and to retain any benefits of invasive species where possible and desirable.
This status report, published by the South African National Biodiversity Insitute (SANBI) together with the DSI-NRF Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology, and with the assistance from authors at institutions across the country, is a significant contribution to policy, management, and research in the field, especially when there are very few reports globally that give such a comprehensive coverage of this field at a national level.
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The High-Level Panel (HLP) of Experts for the Review of Policies, Legislation and Practices on Matters of Elephant, Lion, Leopard and Rhinoceros Management, Breeding, Hunting, Trade and Handling
This report serves as a comprehensive account of the HLP’s context and work – with the content detailing the HLP’s functions, approach and the associated programme of work, alongside specifics relating to each phase of work undertaken. It provides a record of activities, areas of engagement, key deliberations and emerging issues of agreement, disagreement and partial agreement – and an associated set of recommendations. The report also serves as a ready-reference source of information – providing HLP members and the minister with information on the context and background information underpinning the emerging recommendations. It should be noted that not all views included here are consensus views. While the chair and members of the HLP have worked towards achieving consensus, all acknowledged that there would inevitably be cases in which this was not possible.
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National Protected Area Expansion Strategy of South Africa 2016 (NPAES 2016)
The National Protected Area Expansion Strategy, first published in 2008 (NPAES 2008)1, presents a 20-year strategy for the expansion of protected areas in South Africa. Provision is made for the review and updating of the NPAES every 5 years. This document (NPAES 2016) represents the first full revision of the NPAES 2008, and the updated strategy for the next 5-years (2016 – 2020). Each new revision of the NPAES refers to a rolling 20-year period, so this revision sets out a future 20-year strategy.
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The South African Strategy for the Biosphere Reserve Programme (2016 - 2020)
- Download document [PDF]
Public participation guideline in terms of NEMA Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations
This guideline is a revised version of the PP guideline that was published in 2010. It provides information and guidance for proponents or applicants, RI&APs, competent authorities and EAPs on the PP requirements of the Act. It further provides information on the characteristics of a vigorous and inclusive PPP.
South Africa’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015 – 2025
African rhino conservation plan
The plan has a similar structure to a number of existing national plans long term setting out a long term Continental Vision with a Life of Plan Goal Target, and then identifying the Key Components necessary to achieve the Goal target and in so doing make progress towards achieving the long term Vision. Associated Key Component Objectives, Actions and KPI’s are identified, specifically highlighting areas where range State cooperation and collaboration is needed. Some potential projects of continental importance were also identified.
- Download conservation plan [PDF - 1.82 mb]
- Download plan in presentation format [PDF - 2.09 mb]
The Environmental Offsetting Discussion Document Project
In the South African context, environmental offsets are a relatively new mechanism intended to enhance sustainable development outcomes. The purpose of this document is to stimulate discussion around the concepts and principles of environmental offsets amongst as wide a group of stakeholders as possible, in order to assess the need and content requirements for a national policy framework.
- Discussion Document on Environmental Offsets [PDF]
- Literature Review: Environmental Offsetting [PDF]
- PowerPoint presentation: Introduction to the Environmental Offsetting Discussion Document Project [PDF]
- Notes of Environmental Offsets Discussion Document Workshop [PDF]
South African Elephant Research Strategy (SAERS)
National Strategy for the Safety and Security of Rhinoceros Populations in South Africa
South Africa’s Bioprospecting, Access and Benefit-Sharing Regulatory Framework: Guidelines for Providers, Users and Regulators
The guidelines endeavour to assist different stakeholders to understand the legal requirements and their rights in terms of the law. It is therefore imperative that these guidelines are consulted when planning to engage in commercial bioprospecting. Doing so will enhance the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from bioprospecting projects which utilise indigenous biological resources and their associated traditional knowledge.
National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP)
The development and implementation of the NBSAP is an ongoing and iterative process. The NBSAP and the National Biodiversity Framework (NBF) must be seen as a continual cycle of implementation, monitoring, review and revision. The goal of the NBSAP is to conserve and manage biodiversity to ensure sustainable benefits to the people of South Africa, through co-operation and partnerships that build on strengths and opportunities.
Biodiversity management plan (BMP)
The BMP aims to provide for the long-term survival of a species in the wild and to provide a platform for an implementing organisation or responsible entity as appointed by the Minister to monitor and report on the progress regarding the implementation of the BMP. The draft BMP must be submitted to the Minister for approval for public comments or the implementation thereof in terms of the Biodiversity Act.
Strategy toward gender mainstreaming in the environment sector 2016 – 2021 (extended to 2025)
National Strategy for Sustainable Development and Action Plan (NSSD 1)
The NSSD 1 presents an understanding of sustainable development and explains the route that is being taken. It presents an action plan and indicators for the implementation of the strategy. It is not prescriptive, but is enabling in orientation and will be used to review sustainability programmes. The strategy calls for an interdependency approach across sectors and action on sustainability.
National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS)
The National Waste Management Strategy (NWMS) is a legislative requirement of the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008), the “Waste Act”. The purpose of the NWMS is to achieve the objects of the Waste Act. Organs of state and affected persons are obliged to give effect to the NWMS.
Circular Economy Guideline
This guideline focuses on the transition to a circular economy (CE) in the waste sector in South Africa. The guideline places emphasis on materials flow and the materials value chain, which is just one aspect of a wider circular economy. A circular economy approach, in turn, is just one of several ways to achieve a green economy through sustain-able consumption and production.
Status of the South African marine fishery resources
The status of South African marine resources reports produced by the department are recognised as an important contribution to our understanding of South Africa’s exploited marine resources. The information is presented in a way that is of use to both scientists, fisheries managers; fishing industry stakeholders and the public. The maintenance of the high standard of research on our exploited marine resources is essential especially given the many challenges that face the sector including the imminent implementation of the Small Scale Fisheries Policy. The report presents the most up-to-date information and analyses of the status of marine fishery resources in South Africa at the time of compilation.
- download the 2020 report [PDF - 2.81 mb]
- download the 2016 report. [PDF - 2.55 mb]
- download the 2014 report. [PDF - 2.09 mb]
- download the 2012 report. [PDF - 4.84 mb]
- download the 2010 report. [PDF - 1.63 mb]
Guideline on the administration of appeals
The National Appeals Regulations, 2014 has repealed the various appeal regulations currently in effect in terms of NEMA and the SEMAs, and provides for a single appeal process under section 43 of the National Environmental Management Act, 1998 against a decision taken by any person acting under a power delegated by the Minister or MEC.
Corporate Affairs
Annexure A: SIP 19 Initial Component Descriptions
Detailed decriptions of the initial set of SIP 19 components/ projects reflected in the Minister's approved SIP 19 Description.
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SIP 19: Ecological Infrastructure for Water Security
An overview of a proposed Strategic Integrated Project (SIP) aimed at improving South Africa's water resources and other environmental goods and services through the conservation, protection, restoration, rehibilitation and/or maintenance of key ecological infrastructure.
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Human Capital Development Strategy Environmental Sector
A systems approach to skills development to support the Environmental Sector Strategic Plan
This Human Capital Development Strategy (HCDS) arises out of the constitutional imperative for a clean, healthy environment that benefits current and future generations, and the impetus to strengthen opportunities associated with a green economy for South Africa. Its time frame is 2009-2014, which is aligned with the MTSF of 2009-2014. The MTSF prioritises skills development in South Africa, and emphasises the importance of quality in the education, training and skills development process.
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Environment Sector Research, Development and Evidence Framework
An approach to enhance science-policy interface and evidence-based policy making
This document addresses the need for a common framework for the collection of solid evidence that can be used in support of environment sector policy decisions and for the achievement of sector priorities. In response to the pressing environmental issues of our times the framework is seeking to develop a more rigorous approach that gathers, critically appraises and uses high quality research evidence to inform policy-making and professional practice.
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National Environmental Impact Assessment and Management Strategy (EIMS)
The EIAMS for South Africa has been developed in order to address the shortcomings within the current integrated environmental management (IEM) system and processes as identified in the 'Review of Effectiveness and Efficiency of EIA in South Africa' (REE) (DEAT, 2010). The current environmental management system provided for in chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA), Act 107 of 1998 and subsequent amendments, promotes environmental impact assessment (EIA) as the main compulsory tool to ensure integrated environmental management in South Africa, through a regulated environmental authorisation process. In addition to this focus on EIA, environmental management frameworks (EMFs) have been used since 2008 as a strategic environmental instrument to provide a strategic context for project-level decision making and the processes involved in the issuing of environmental authorisations. The EIAMS aims to provide a more effective and efficient IEM system that is supported by a range of EM instruments and tools.
Environmental Sector Skills Plan (ESKP)
The Environmental Sector Skills Plan(ESSP) describes the current status quo with regard to demand and supply of environmental skills, and provides the best available information on scarce and critical skills in the sector at present from a supply and demand perspective.
South African Manual for Outoor Advertising Control (SAMOAC)
The main aim of SAMOAC is to initiate and co-ordinate the control of outdoor advertising. It is aimed at minimising the impacts of outdoor advertising while maximising the benefits of this advertising medium at the same time. This first document was developed by the then Deaprtment of Environmental Affairs and Tourism (DEAT) in 1998 in cooperation with the National Department of Transport. Up till now it was expected of the various controlling authorities to provide legal status to SAMOAC by means of appropriate legislation.
National Protected Areas Expansion Strategy (NPAES)
The NPAES highlights ways in which we can become more efficient and effective in allocating the scarce human and financial resources available for protected area expansion. It sets targets for protected area expansion, provides maps of the most important areas for protected area expansion, and makes recommendations on mechanisms for protected area expansion.
National Framework for Sustainable Development in South Africa (NFSDSA)
The national framework for sustainable development seeks to build on existing programmes and strategies that have emerged in the first 14 years of democracy. It aims to identify key, short, medium and long–term challenges in our sustainable development efforts, sets the framework for a common understanding and vision of sustainable development; and defines strategic focus areas for intervention.
Integrated Environmental Management Information Series (IEM)
The aim of this document series is to provide general information on techniques, tools and processes for environmental assessment and management. The material in this document draws upon experience and knowledge from South African practitioners and authorities, and published literature on international best practice.
Eastern Cape biodiversity conservation plan (ECBCP)
This Handbook contains a short description of how the ECBCP biodiversity priorities were identified, an explanation of the land use guidelines in the ECBCP, and userfriendly guidelines for using the electronic decision support system of the ECBCP. More information is available from the ECBCP Technical Report (Berliner, D. & Desmet, P. 2007). The ECBCP addresses the urgent need to identify and map critical biodiversity areas and priorities for conservation in the Province. It also provides land use planning guidelines, recommending biodiversity-friendly activities in priority areas. The ECBCP is intended for use by technical users and decision-makers in the spheres of planning, development and environment. Mapped information can be used both reactively and strategically to guide future development away from sensitive and priority biodiversity areas.
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