Introduction: Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs)
The Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) relating to chemicals in the country aim to protect human health and the environment from the harmful effects of chemicals.
The national Department of Environmental Affairs acts as a focal point and the designated national authority for the implementation of the obligation of MEAs that relate to chemicals and waste of which a country is party to, or has accepted or signed.
Government wishes to protect the environment and in turn human health from the harmful effects of chemicals and would rather have industry being more pro-active and compliant to instruments (international, regional and national) aimed at environmentally sound management of chemicals in a life cycle approach than using the stick approach.
The role of government is to assist industry in their responsibilities regarding chemicals management by sharing information, forming partnerships, drafting and enforcing relevant legislation to manage industry.
Strategic Approach International Chemicals Management
- South African National Profile 2002-2005: A comprehensive assessment of the national infrastructure relating to the legal, administrative and technical aspects of chemicals management in South Africa
- Case Study: Elimination of lead in paint in South Africa
- Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management: SAICM texts and resolutions of the International Conference on Chemicals Management
- Eliminate Lead Paint: Protect Children’s Health
- The business case for knowing Chemicals in Products and Supply Chains
- Business Plan of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint
Research articles
- A completed Water Research Commission (WRC) study investigated the link between pesticide use and endocrine disrupting activity in South Africa’s water resources
- Agricultural remedies registration requirements and procedure document
- Chemical hazard communication comprehensibility in South Africa: Safety implications for the adoption of the globally harmonised system of classification and labelling of chemicals
- Communicating pesticide neurotoxicity research findings and risks to decision-makers and the public
- Pesticide Usage and Health Consequences for Women in Developing Countries: Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
- Guideline for Preventing Child Pesticide Poisonings in South Africa
- Pesticide Label Pictograms and Colour Codes
- Pesticide poisonings at a tertiary children’s hospital in South Africa: an increasing problem
- Challenges in Pesticide Risk Communication
- Comparison of regulatory processes for communicating risks of personal care products to European and South African consumers
- Poisoning and pesticides
- Pesticide safety training and practices in women working in small-scale agriculture in South Africa
- The acceptability of rat trap use over pesticides for rodent control in two poor urban communities in South Africa
- Falling through the regulatory cracks street selling of Pesticides and Poisoning among Urban Youth in South Africa
- Improving poisoning diagnosis and surveillance of street pesticides
- Levels of PCBs in wild bird eggs: Considering toxicity through enzyme induction potential and molecular structure
- Experience in South Africa of combining bio-analysis and instrumental analysis of PCDD/Fs
- Chlorinated, brominated, and fluorinated organic pollutants in Nile crocodile eggs from the Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Pesticide use in South Africa: One of the largest importers of Pesticides in Africa
- High levels of DDT in breast milk: Intake, risk, lactation duration, and involvement of gender
- Long-term decreases in persistent organic pollutants in South African coastal waters detected from beached polyethylene pellets
- Halogenated pollutants in terrestrial and aquatic bird eggs: Converging patterns of pollutant profiles, and impacts and risks from high levels
- Estimation of human body concentrations of DDT from indoor residual spraying for malaria control
- Review of the interdepartmental co-ordination of chemicals management in South Africa
Vienna Convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer
- The Vienna Convention for the protection of the Ozone Layer
- The Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer
Stockholm Convention
- An amendment to Annex A adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants at its fifth meeting (Decision SC-5/3)
- An amendment to Annex A adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants at its sixth meeting (Decision SC-6/13)
- Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) as amended in 2009
- Development of National Inventory for 10 new Persistent Organic Pollutants (Pops) in South Africa
- National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Relevant legal instruments in South Africa
- Registration of Agricultural Remedies: Agricultural inputs control Act No. 36 of 1947
- Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act, 1947 (Act No. 36 of 1947)