Statement by Minister Barbara Creecy during the press briefing hosted by the COP28 President on the introduction of ministerial pairings at COP28 in Dubai UAE
08 December 2023
CoP Presidency has asked Denmark and South Africa to consult on important framing issues – these go to the foundation on which Global Stocktake (GST) as an ambition mechanism is built – science and equity.
Science: how the urgency is conveyed by the best available science, notably in IPCC sixth assessment report (AR6), will be reflected the GST outcome.
On equity: it is vital to frame that equity can and should enable ambition.
Presidency has asked us to consult on many understandings of equity, and it is vital to develop shared understanding how equity applies across broad scope of GST including issues such as mitigation, adaptation, loss damage, RM (response measures), means of implementation – finance, tech and capacity, in the GST outcomes.
We have been specifically asked to look at pre 2020 and the complex issue of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities (CBDR RC). Important in the stock-taking is to look at information from science on what happened prior to 2020, and good technical information is available in the Technical Dialogue (TD) synthesis report.
We will explore how to address the concerns on unilateral trade measures.
It is important that ambition and equity, based on best available science, inform action. GST outcome will inform the NDCs and international cooperation. There is existing guidance on NDCs, when we all go home after COP, and start preparing our 2nd NDCs - what more do we need from the GST? And what novel forms of international cooperation will we establish here in Dubai?
I thank you.