Rhino Dialogues South Africa
This page provides more information on the intervions that have taken place to fight rhino poaching and other related issues. On this page you can find information on rhino issues, which includes regular rhino poaching statistics updates dating from the year 2012 to date, news archive on rhino poaching related issues, documents which comprise of; research study reports commissioned by the department and other bodies, papers, articles and presentations delivered during the previous Rhino Dialogue Workshops.
Committee of Inquiry Summary Report
The Committee of Inquiry assessed the current situation and the interventions implemented by Government to date. Then, through a process of stakeholder consultation, scenario planning, analysis of case studies and various work stream documents as well as a decision-tree analysis process, the Committee identified five key areas that require interventions. These interventions are needed to address wildlife crime and enhance government’s ability to conserve rhino in their natural habitat, and increase the opportunities to realise benefits associated with successful conservation.
The Committee was strongly of the view that these interventions are essential for an effective response to rhino poaching irrespective of whether (or not) South Africa seeks to trade in rhino horn.
Rhino dialogues consist of the views of organisations and individuals with an interest and stake in the sustainable conservation of the rhino population in South Africa. The aim of these dialogues is to solicit well-considered views on how best to secure the protection, safety and sustainable conservation of the rhinos in the country.
Committee of Inquiry to deliberate on matters relating to a possible trade in rhino horn
The Minister of Environmental Affairs, Mrs Edna Molewa introduced the Committee of Inquiry tasked with investigating the feasibility of a trade in rhino horn. The names of the committee members were announced following completion of pre-screening by the State Security Agency (SSA).
Minister Molewa regrets the theft, but also notes that it is a sign of the seriousness of the scourge of rhino poaching and smuggling problem in South Africa, that is linked to illicit international wildlife trade. The Minister has welcomed the police’s investigation into the rhino horn theft and eagerly awaits the outcome of their probe.
Within this page you can find the Rhino Issues Management Report, The viability of legalising rhino horn trade in South Africa - study report, report on the study on dehorning of African rhinoceros as a tool to reduce the risk of poaching and other rhino issues related papers and articles and presentations of the National Rhino Conservation Dialogue Workshop.
Rhino poaching statistics updates
The number of rhinos poached since the beginning of 2015 is 49, with 17 people being arrested for rhino poaching. Minister Edna Molewa reported back on progress with regards to the integrated strategic management of rhinoceros in South Africa and significant progress has been made with regards to the implementation of the interventions.
Gallery and videos
Within this page you find all rhino issues related images and videos captured by the Department of Environmental Affairs from the period of 212.