Extension of the period for establishment of the Ministerial Task Team to identify and recommend voluntary exit options and pathways for the captive lion industry
06 February 2024
The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Ms. Barbara Creecy, has extended the establishment of the Ministerial Task Team to identify and recommend voluntary exit options and pathways for the captive lion industry (the Ministerial Task Team) with a period of three months, with effect from 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024.
The minister has granted the extension in terms of section 3A of National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998), by notice in the Government Gazette (Government Notice No. 2846, Government Gazette No. 47666 of 7 December 2022) as extended by Government Notice No. 3536, Government Gazette No. 48783 of 13 June 2023.
The extension is intended to allow for refinement and administrative handover of the report.
The Terms of Reference for the Ministerial Task Team are as contained in Government Notice No. 2846, Government Gazette No. 47666 of 7 December 2022.
To access the notice, please click on the link: https://www.dffe.gov.za/sites/default/files/legislations/nema_captivelionindustryexit_taksteamextention_g50076gon4332.pdf
For media inquiries contact:
Peter Mbelengwa
Cell: 082 611 8197