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Consultation on the Draft National Elephant Heritage Strategy in South Africa

27 January 2025


The Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, Dr Dion Travers George, hereby gives notice of his publication of the draft National Elephant Heritage Strategy in South Africa (The Draft Strategy) for public comment in the Government Gazette No. 52004 Notice No. 5787

The Draft Strategy provides a high-level vision and strategic objectives at national level for the management and long-term conservation of elephants as a meta-population in South Africa, while contributing to the well-being of people. The Draft Strategy provides a strategic framework for planning and decision-making around living landscapes with elephants. As such, this draft Strategy should guide development, revision and implementation of mechanisms and tools, such as the Elephant Norms and Standards, the National Elephant Research Strategy, the Non-Detrimental Finding for Elephants, the Elephant Red-list Assessment, reserve-level Elephant Management Plans, National Elephant Meta-Population Plan, and engagements regarding elephants in relevant consultative fora.

Members of the public are invited to submit written comments on the draft Strategy, within 30 (thirty) days from the date of publication of this notice in the Government Gazette or in the newspaper, whichever date is the last date, to any of the following addresses:

By post to: The Director General: Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment
Attention: Ms Humbulani Mafumo
Private Bag X447

By hand at: Environment House, 473 Steve Biko Road, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083
By email:

Electronic copies of the draft Strategy can be downloaded from the following link:

Any enquiries in connection with this Notice can be directed to Ms Amanda Magubane on: 012 399 8809, or via email:

For media enquiries, please contact

Peter Mbelengwa 
Mobile: 082 611 8197


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