Greenest Municipality Competition (GMC)
The Cleanest Town Competition (CTC) was initiated in 2001 with a primary focus in implementing the National Waste Management Strategy. The key elements were reducing, recycling and reusing waste materials. Although the Cleanest Town Competition was fairly successful in achieving its primary objectives, developments within the greening movement require the modifications of the concept to embody other elements which are outside the waste management category.
The incorporation of new elements is justifiable within a new name, hence the Greenest Municipality Competition (GMC). The Greenest Municipality Competition enhances Cleanest Town Competition by incorporating new elements and providing a broader focus. The Greenest Municipality Competition will link to other global and national initiatives, e.g. green goal, greening the nation, reducing greenhouse gases, amongst others.The Greenest Municipality Competition consists of five core elements, namely:
- Waste Management;
- Energy Efficiency and Conservation;
- Water Management;
- Landscaping, tree planting and beautification;
- Public Participation and Community Empowerment; and
- Leadership and Institutional Arrangements.
Participation in this annual competition is open to all South African municipalities.