Green Economy for Sustainable Development
The country’s sustainable development vision is outlined in the National Framework for Sustainable Development (2008) as “South Africa aspires to be a sustainable, economically prosperous and self-reliant nation state that safeguards its democracy by meeting the fundamental human needs of its people, by managing its limited ecological resources responsibly for current and future generations, and by advancing efficient and effective integrated planning and governance through national, regional and global collaboration”.
About Green Economy
South Africa views green economy as a sustainable development path based on addressing the interdependence between economic growth, social protection and natural ecosystem. The South African approach is to ensure that green economy programmes are to be supported by practical and implementable action plan therefore importance of building on existing best processes, programmes, initiatives and indigenous knowledge in key sectors “Towards a resource efficient, low carbon and pro-employment growth path”.
Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE)
In 2015, South Africa joined the global programme, Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE) to strengthen the cooperation, coordination and capabilities required to implement the country’s transition to a low-carbon, resource-efficient and pro-employment development path.
Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies - A report on the 2019 PAGE Ministerial Conference
This report Advancing Inclusive and Sustainable Economies: A Report on the 3rd PAGE Ministerial Conference was commissioned by the South African Government’s Department of Environmental Affairs through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) acting on behalf of the German Ministry of Environment, Nature Conversation and Nuclear Safety (BMU).
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Green Economy Learning Assessment
The Green Economy Learning Assessment was commissioned by the Partnership on Action for Green Economy (PAGE) in collaboration with the South African Government. The assessment was conducted during June to August 2016 and focussed on the learning needs of ‘champions’ in government, business, civil society and academia, who drive the transition towards a green economy in diverse policy contexts at national, provincial or local levels.
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Green Economy Inventory for South Africa
The Green Economy Inventory for South Africa, undertaken by the inter-agency UN initiative, Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), in collaboration with the South African Government, takes stock of green economy initiatives that are being implemented by a wide range of development partners in both the public and private sector in South Africa.
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An overview of green economy activity in South Africa: a pamphlet
The Green Economy Inventory for South Africa, undertaken by the inter-agency UN initiative, Partnership for Action on Green Economy (PAGE), in collaboration with the South African Government, takes stock of green economy initiatives that are being implemented by a wide range of development partners in both the public and private sector in South Africa.
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Recognising the Informal Waste Sector in Advanced Waste Treatment
AISWM is not a universally known term but is used to describe integrated solid waste management (ISWM), making use of AWT technologies, within a framework of policies, legislation and practices that reduce dependency on landfill for the disposal of waste. The programme defines AISWM as the coherent and sustainable application of approaches and solutions that reduce the amount of waste that needs to be landfilled. The aim of this document is to consider whether to include, recognise, organise or formalise the IWS (in AWT and AISWM), currently functioning without proper structure, and suggest how this can be successfully undertaken.
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Green Economy programmes guidelines
The purpose of the National Greening Framework for Event Greening and the Built Environment is to promote the application of sustainable development principles and practices to the built environment and events management.
Green Economy resources
Within this page you find all related resources by the Department of Environmental Affairs and external entities from the period of
Green Economy related projects
Within this page you find all Green Economy related programmes by the Department of Environmental Affairs and external entities.