Minister Barbara Creecy pays tribute to Minister Jackson Mthembu
25 January 2021.
Minister Mthembu
Cde Jackson
How to say good bye to nearly forty years of shared struggle, shared vision, shared values?How to pay tribute in a short message to one so brave, with such integrity, who always demonstrated such warmth, courtesy, humility.
Your youthful activism was guided by an injunction to: “tell no lies, claim no easy victories”, a command that gave you the fortitude and bravery to lead your community in sustained struggle for political emancipation and thorough-going social and economic transformation.
During your times as a national spokesperson, your unique and special ability to explain complex concepts in simple terms helped all of us to clearly understand the vision, and the path we must negotiate. You never pretended there were easy choices, but you always gave us the hope to soldier on.
In your role as a public representative and an Executive Officer at both provincial and national government level, you served with dedication, a consistent servant- leader our people came to love and respect. You never forgot the ordinary women and men who depend on effective government service for a better life.
You campaigned tirelessly to improve public service delivery and accountability of elected representatives. You always stressed that corruption cannot be a victim free crime, when so many in our country face poverty and unemployment. When the time came to speak truth to power, you never shirked your responsibility.
In your very last message to me you said “Comrade Barbara:we will overcome this Covid” I did not know then, you were giving me a last command.
Comrade Jackson, Minister Mthembu :
We mourn your untimely passing.
We honour your outstanding legacy of courage, honesty, service and humility!
We will pick up your spear.
We will overcome this Covid!
In your name we will tell no lies, we will claim no easy victories
We will continue your fight to build a better South Africa and a better world!
Rest in peace dear friend!