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Environmental geographic information systems (EGIS)

The Environment Geographic Information Systems (EGIS) website provides access to baseline geospatial data and services to the users of geospatial technology. The Department of Environmental Affairs works with the Committee on Spatial Information and the broader GIS community to define the data architecture, systems, standards, policies and processes for a fully integrated and effective spatial data infrastructure for the country.

For any other GIS related enquiries contact the EGIM section in DEA.


Protected Areas REGISTER (PAR)


According to the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act 57 of 2003)

The Register must:

  • contain a list of all protected areas;
  • indicate the kind of protected area in each case; and
  • Contain any other information determined by the Minister.


In 2012 a multi-user spatial database on protected areas was developed. A Register of Protected Areas was therefore developed for reporting and mapping purposes of protected areas that were included into this database.

This database is called the Protected and Conservation Areas database (PACA) and comprises of all:

  • Data required for the Register of Protected Areas (SAPAD)
  • Data on Conservation Areas (SACAD)


Note: Conservation Areas are areas responsibly managed for biodiversity conservation but not legally declared as Protected Areas.

All legally declared protected areas can be searched and viewed through the use of the Protected Areas Register (PAR) Interactive Map.

This map service shows the various types of protected areas and conservation areas in South Africa. Users can generate reports and statistics by following the PAR Interactive Map link above.

The SAPAD and SACAD Geospatial Data could be downloaded from the Environmental Geographic Information System (EGIS) web page.


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