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Submitted by admin on August 24, 2021

Biodiversity and Conservation

A safe, healthy and sustainably managed environmental and natural resource base provides critical eco-system services that are a foundation for economic and social development. 

Our rich species, ecosystems and natural heritage which form the very foundation of our economy and society, providing eco-system services such as food security, clean and secure water provision, flood attenuation, biomass energy and building material as well as a resource base for the sustainable development and growth of the tourism, bio-technology, pharmaceutical, bioenergy, agriculture, forestry, fisheries and indigenous knowledge based sectors of the economy are threatened by growing human population and their increasing demands on the environment, climate change and invasive alien species amongst others.

The focus of the biodiversity and conservation programme is on the regulation and management of all biodiversity, heritage and conservation matters in a manner that ensures equitable and sustainable use, conservation, management and, where necessary, the restoration of this resource base as well as to mitigate threats to them as a basis for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development facilitates sustainable economic growth and development.

Biodiversity richness is one of South Africa’s important natural assets as it provides goods and services which are vital for human well-being. The department is mandated to ensure the equitable and sustainable use, conservation, management and, where necessary, the restoration of this resource base as well as to mitigate threats to them as a basis for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development.


Establishment, management and maintenance of ecologically representative national and cross-border systems of protected areas to advance the heritage of humankind as well as contribute to the three objectives of the CBD and Millennium Development Goals.


  • Establishment, development and management of comprehensive, ecologically representative and effectively managed regional network of transfrontier conservation areas
  • Establishment, development and safeguarding of the integrity of World Heritage Sites as well as implementation of world Heritage Convention in South Africa
  • Strengthen governance of the protected areas system in South Africa in line with national imperatives and international obligations
  • Establishment and development of a comprehensive and ecologically representative national network of protected areas that safeguards key ecological processes across the landscape and provides resilience against climate change
  • Development and implementation of policy and legislation relating to and monitoring performance of protected areas
  • Manage strategic, administration, logistical and financial support to the Chief Directorate.



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